Monday, September 6, 2010

Some talk show host guy and some Australian band make a record together.

This guy was in some band that was influential in the '80s, wrote some books, appeared in "The Chase" alongside Charlie Sheen and Ron Jeremy, and now has a talk show that I am not sure people watch. Along the way (1991) that guy met up with a band from Australia. They made a little record to pay tribute to another band from Australia who had a lot of songs that sounded the same about rock and getting laid. There is a b-side too that sounds exactly like what you might think a pairing of these two entities might sound. Why this was made, I am not certain. Not that it is bad, but not exactly necessary either.


  1. I remember in the early 90s when the Hard-Ons came through Minnesota. They were good. They had a screetchy singer.

    Henry is no Bon Scott, and this kind of sucks, however.

  2. Hank was in the movie 'Heat' as well. His band does a cover of Earache my Eye live from Cheech & Chong which is interesting choice of a cover for a straight edger. Never heard any hard ons before now is my chance to.

  3. We're gonna shop at Sports Authority!
    We're gonna listen to the majority
    We're gonna feel superiority
    We're gonna shop at Sports Authoritayyyy!

  4. As far as why this was done, I would assume it was fun. AC/DC is a pretty fun band to cover. Don't know if it's as fun to listen to as it is to play, but if they can put it out and get a little bit of money from hardcore fans, why not? More power to 'em.

    As for Hank being straight-edge, that had gone by the wayside long before Rollins Band covered Cheech And Chong. There's a biography of Rollins that talks about how he spent the entire 1984 Black Flag tour doing 10 hits of acid a day. It sure helps to explain why Get In The Van gets so weird at that point.

  5. I suspect this was made so the Hard-Ons could be more well known in the US. Their opinion on Rollins at the time tended towards the opinion that he was a dick but playing and recording with him helped the band.

  6. return of the son of shut up and play your guitarSeptember 6, 2010 at 2:07 PM

    Eye respect no authoritay.

  7. More like Cosmic HORSE! Huehuehuehuehueh.

  8. I kick myself for never picking this record up, thanks for posting i

  9. Fuck that shit. The Hard Ons are legends here in Australia and this record is pretty rocken.

  10. Thank you for mentioning "The Chase" in your description.

  11. This is a really great version!

    The Hard-Ons are legends down here, snotty punk that veers between pop and seriously heavy riffing. They also did a tour with Jerry A of Poison Idea (a hearse fav' I know) which I got to see in '93 (I think). It was pretty good, he added some gravitas and probably weighed more then the three of their skinny arses combined!

  12. the Hard Ons are legends!!!!! Some of the best fun shows Ive ever been to.
