Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dawn of Possession

Immolation have reliably cranked out solid Death Metal for over two decades, and what better way to celebrate such an illustrious career in evil than to post their debut full length from way back in 1991. The unflappable Dawn of Possession is confident and accomplished brutality from some nice kids from Yonkers, not Stockholm or Tampa. If you don't like this album, then you simply do not like Death Metal and should form a band that sounds like Deerhoof.


  1. Fuck yes. Awesome band. Caught them for the "Majesty.." tour a little while back. Possibly thee best DM live act I've witnessed yet. Vigna is a beast on stage with the energy of ten mere mortals. Dolan is a fucking class act with a refreshing sincerity and humbleness. Not to mention the longest hair I've ever seen on a human being. But seriously, how the fuck do you function in every day life with a man mane that flows down to your knees? Like closing car doors and stuff. Mind boggling.

  2. Sickass cover art too,for the time,it just says DEATH METAL.....

    my captcha was my new DM bands gonna be called Hoborammer

  3. I don't have much patience for DM anymore but I heard their new album and it's fuckin great! I remember this one. A friend back in the day mentioned that the singer sounds live Dr. Klaw from Inspector Gadget. That;s always stuck with me. Immolation rules!

  4. Awesome album. "Those Left Behind" is one of my favorite DM songs. Brutal atmosphere on that one.

  5. Ha! Slobber beat me to it. Was going to say I like Immolation...gulp...also like Deerhoof; is that so wrong? Thanks for the kick ass post.

  6. this is great!!!!! sweet album art too!!! thnx Ace!

  7. wow,i just saw this and thought "well,i dunno if id so much as d/l it but ill go back and check it out",so the song "Dawn Of Possession" is playing on the youtube right now and yeah,its alright shit. i sorta blew off american death metal back in the day for being clicky and self indulgent and techy,but always had mad respect for this band. good chit.

    Slobber- Deerhoof is playing at harlows here in sacto tonight if you want to go see em. never heard em

  8. Really looking forward to hearing this. Immolation has great vocals for a DM act - love the Dr. Klaw reference above. Really seem to love what they do. Anyone else see more than a faint resemblance to Morbid Angel? Never got much into death metal except indirectly through the 1989 "Grindcrusher" compilation, purchased sometime in the mid-1990s, and love of the band Death c.a. "Individual Thought Patterns". But the Stargazer/Invocation post on this blog, plus recent (I'm ashamed to say it) discovery of Entombed has made this seem like a grievous error in retrospect. Any recommendations on where someone looking to catch up on the best in pre-2000 DM should begin?

  9. It's only 19mb? Oh well I got in flac anyway.

  10. This album kills. Always been a personal favorite. Someone looking into pre-2000's death metal should start with the best..AUTOPSY!!!

  11. @Anonymous...

    this list is where it's at.

  12. Several listens later - can I still like death metal if I think that: 1) this is boring, 2) _Majesty and Decay_ kicks earlier Immolation to the curb?

    Cover art is lame too, but I guess you've got to consider the likely fan base.

  13. Thanks for the list - looks awesome.

  14. This is actually my least favorite Immolation album but it still KILLS. They haven't perfected their super twisted lurching slow riffing on this one yet... that's the best part of Immolation to me. "Close To A World Below," "Failures For Gods" and "Unholy Cult" are the best they released. The newest one is solid too! Hope they tour again soon cuz I missed them last time. Anyway.... Immolation rules, "Dawn of Possession" cover art rules, whoever thinks it's "lame" can eat a diiiiiiiick!!!!!!!

  15. whats up with the 56 kbs bit rate? i'm no audiophile and i'm certainly aware of the irony of bemoaning a free album but it definitely does this raging cd a disservice

  16. What the fuck? How can you NOT like this album cover? This is classic DM cover art before all the Lawnmower Man 90s computerized bullshit. Sure this may not be their best musically but it's prime cover painting and certainly among the best old school logos.

  17. hopefully there will be more 'Dirt Pirate Creed' Deerhoof LPS one day.

    yes: form those old style Deer Hoofs.
