Thursday, June 2, 2011

Terror Disharmony

Purbawisesa are a particularly aggressive Black Metal band from Singapore. Their second demo Glorification of Terror Disharmony is a massive swirling wind of bad vibes and chaos, and I love every minute of it. These far east freaks don't give a fuck about dynamics, the drums seldom stray from extremely fast blasts, the vocals are a constant demonic rasp, Purbawisesa seriously put in the work to terrorize their listener. Despite this demo's cover, this is no forest frolic candy ass nonsense, this is pure misanthropic violence from guys with names like Zaalgoroth, Mace ov War, Spyralz, and Daimonus, dudes that couldn't give a fuck about your feelings, your thesis, or the woods by your house.


  1. Deafening, vile and evil beyond measure- love it!!!

    Score another one for the friggin greatest blog on earth

    -the anonymous jew

  2. Thanks for the tunes. They keep our tiny printshop running here in Chicago. Also, greetings from my boy Stevie Brown and the Withered dudes in Atlanta.
    Death to False Metal!

  3. I must say, this demo certainly lives up to expectations. I must also say that there is quite the Norwegian vibe to the sound.

  4. "This is no forest frolic candy ass nonsense...." Priceless. This may be the best review I've ever read. Thanks, Aesop.

  5. if you ever get your hands on the split from this year, please post
