Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Back From Samoa

This album is like a perfect snapshot of my psyche at 14 years of age.


  1. Oh, my God, the flashbacks I'm having right now. Thanks for this one.

  2. And 24, and I'm guessing 34 an all. Killer record

  3. Stone classic, front to back, from the sleeve design through every song.

  4. Great great band. Obnoxious snotty hardcore punk. Love it. :)

  5. wow! saw the cover and right away was just...WOOHOO!! a complete classic. this is one of those records that i'll never have to actually play again because i can just close my eyes and "hear" it in my head (i can do the same thing with "back in black" and battalion of saints' "second comming" LP). no need to download this one 'cuz i already have it but wanted to give it the thumbs up anyway.
