Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Les Legions Noire Part Four: Dzlvarv

Part Four of Cosmic Hearse's profiles of the cult French outsider black metal collective known as Les Legions Noire focuses on Dzlvarv. This project was headed by Vordb Dreagvor Uezeerb of the bands Belketre, Torgeist, and Black Murder. Dzlvarv released one demo in 1996. It typical LLN fashion it is lo-fi, eerie, and bizarre.


  1. Brenoritvrezorkre's "Nèvgzérýa" is my absolute fave LLN release-- I couldn't figure out if it was some kinda Zeuhl thing or a deliberate attempt at being mysterious (which I believe to be the case now). Creepy as hell-- you keep expecting the tape to disintegrate or somethin'. Anyway, never got around to this one, so thanks!

  2. Jake, you have touched on one of the many beautiful things about LLN releases. Tape is really the only format that decays, most LLN releases are tape. I love the idea that the releases have a 'shelf-life', and decompose with age like a corpse or dream. Brenoritzevorkre (along with Moevot) are my absolute favorite LLN entities. They will be featured in upcoming LLN pieces.

  3. There is a forum where they seem to have gone far too out of their way trying to discover, and even postulate, the goings on of the LLN and authenticity of various releases.

    It gets a little ridiculous but interesting reads there otherwise.

  4. That's enticingly nerdy, Bob, but seems I can't see it without registering to a member.

  5. "...decomposing as a corpse or a dream..." thats beautiful aesop
