Friday, August 15, 2008

Saltrubbed Eyes

Have you ever pissed off a whole lot of people at once or been jumped into a gang? If so, then you know what it's like to receive a volley of vicious blows about the head and body. If you have never experienced the sensation, may I recommend that you check out Seance's Saltrubbed Eyes. It's ultimately the same thing with less hassle. Seance was Swedish and Death Metal, but this, their second album, shows them ditching the Entombed/Dismember/Grave/Unleashed school of unthought, and creating something way more bare-knuckled, stripped down, and pummeling. Saltrubbed Eyes is a retarded, beserker neanderthal awoken from a deep slumber with a kick in the balls. And as if just kicking your ass wasn't enough they also want to rub salt in your fucking eyes? Fuck.


  1. Brilliant, mindless entertainment. Thank you.

  2. That's why volume controls go up to "11." Pour on the salt! Nice description, by the way. You left no choice but to listen to this!

  3. A real cult classic. Thank you. This album desperately needs to be reissued.

  4. the drumming on this is pure sickness. easily the best thing Jensen's done IMO.

  5. The only thing Jensen's done that wasn't cringeworthy IMO.

  6. what, can't get down with Witchery even?
    also, their version of "Post Mortem" on the "Slatanic Slaughter" comp almost out-Slayers Slayer. it's only the vocals that hold 'em back.

  7. Witchery were too corny and put on for even me. Nuns with fake tits...

  8. The first two Witchery albums have maybe good 5 songs between em that I can rock out to shamelessly. Aside from that though...not a very good band.

  9. little late on the listening/commenting this time around, but yet again, a mighty fine and long forgotten piece of brutality from my younger days. thanks for the forceful reminder ;]

  10. This is fucking killer (for breakfast) thanks.

  11. this fucking kills
    thanks once again Aesop

    this is the kind of shit i like to listen to on my way to work, for 1. to wake my ass up 2. to get my brain good and scrambled so as not to give a fuck for the next 8 hours while at the shop

    think i need this in my cd collection

  12. Thanks for this one Aesop.

    The bass sounds really amazing!
    Always nice to get hold of/learn/find new Swedish "hidden treasures".

  13. Sweden and Japan, you're gonna see alot from those places around here, maybe some Finland once in a while.

  14. wow, as if I didnt need an ass kicking enough right now. definately need to get this. Here I thought seance was just generic swedish dm through and through.

    now i gotta go find this cd..

  15. They are releasing a new album in 2009.

  16. You speak the truth about this album. I always recommend it to people less familiar to OG death metal.

  17. Dude, link is down. Any chance of re-upping it? Cheers.
