Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Volcanic Rock

Back when I posted Buffalo's third album here, I referred to their sound as "proto-metal-throw-down dude rock" and "ham-fisted," "hairy-chested," and "macho." Volcanic Rock was Buffalo's second album, and my personal favorite from these guys. More jammy and drawn out than their rather mediocre debut, and not as straight forward as the follow up Only Want You For Your Body, but every bit as manly. Play this in a room full of skirts and see if you can't smell the panty pudding by the end. Seriously.


  1. Panty Pudding,you know I like Baby Batter too...Clever....How was the show last night?

  2. Show went well. Near capacity crowd, great sets from all bands. Jameson's flowing in brown wretchy rivers.

  3. Boy, that album cover is not phallic at all. Nope. Not one bit.

  4. THIS RULES! Didn't the guitar player go on to be in another mega dude band called Rose Tattoo that is about ten times more homoerotic?

  5. Yup. Panties = Hella Moist.

  6. Manly indeed. Now post some fucking Rose Tattoo!

  7. "Jameson's flowing in brown wretchy rivers." oh man... i felt pretty bad this morning. you guys f-ing killed it last nite. i had some serious panty juice goin.

  8. Yeah, it was fun. I am feeling not so hot myself, but it's the best kind of shitty.

  9. this record is in constant rotation at home and in my i-pod in the last few weeks.killer record all the way,great riffs,great vocals and plenty of (so 70s)attitude.

  10. I cant belive i missed the first 2 songs of the set

    but i thoughoughly enjoyed flopping my hair around like i was some kinda cool

    oh, and i have yet to download, unzip/ play this

    but judging by all the 'manly' comments i might as well throw on my old Manowar albums

    and when i see 'wretchy brown rivers'
    i somehow don't think of whiskey
    but thats just my sicko mind

  11. Aesop- let me know where you receive your mail and i'll send you plushie fun! Would be my absolute pleasure.

  12. Cool.

    1167 Hayes #3
    SF, Ca.

  13. you drinking up that achor steam beer out there aesop?

  14. Ha. Nope, not really a fan of Anchor, though their porter is pretty good.

  15. maybe i'll send ya something heavy from the west coast....

  16. Funny thing about me is that I love getting stuff.

  17. EAST COAST!!!

    man, how'd i fuck that one up....

    oh yeah, drinking...

  18. let's say i was one of the chosen people there might i feel about the track Shylock? i understand it's a nod to shakespeare but there isn't much in the lyrics (beside the obvious) to let the lay person know it's not a comment on our penny pinching tendencies. thoughts?

  19. Paul, I hadn't really thought of it. But I doubt that antisemitism was part of Buffalo's trip, as I have never heard anything else questionable. It should be enough that they are clearly sexist and a bit homophobic.

  20. Cannot stop playing this one. Thanks.

  21. Unfortunately the link expired :( Would you be so kind and re-upload it, please?

  22. This one's dead. Time to upload again :)
