Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Stella Polaris

Another fantastic release from the now defunct Autistiartili Records, this limited tape (150 copies) by the band Stella Polaris contains some warped, super lo-fi, punkish, Black Metal akin to their countrymen, Akitsa and Malveillance. Thematically, Stella Polaris seem to adhere to the same Third Reich fetishism as bands like Command and Sombre Chemin, so again I issue a warning to those who are sensitive to these kinds of political agendas.


  1. Sur le Sentier Du Barbarisme is exactly the kind of interlude I want to hear in the middle of a tape like this. Simple and Perfect!!!!!


  2. i enjoy this one!
    definitely one of my favorites!
    you can smoke pot and headbang to this all day, the art is not ridiculous, i like, i like!
    the tracks somehow reach an abrupt end, or is it my download?
    by the way, how many people got this one?

  3. I can't really make out any lyrics, so the content isn't a bother.

    Sounds good man.

  4. I'll agree with Roger. I remember the first time I heard a Burzum album, with lyrics in Norwegian, and I didn't even notice. I like to think of vocals as just another instrument, something to add to the overall sound. Not to say I always ignore what's being barked at me... I guess a good example would be Rudimentary Peni's, "Pope Adrian 37th...". Nick's just repeating one or two sentences, or droning, or even just coughing into the mic. However, it fits the mood, and that's what I'm looking for. Thanks, again.

  5. amazingly raw and headbanging stuff!i like it too.i save my political sensitivities for other occasions,for example election time.

  6. this is stuff I wish I had on record, it sucks but has charm.

  7. why do i have to wait till midnight for a post?????

  8. Once a day, that's the Hearse's route. 3 more minutes.

  9. I was doing some research on this band, and I found this really shitty emo band of the same name... itunes had it and set this emo bands album art work to the music. It is kind of amusing.

  10. Yes, Billias, that is how SP chose to (or not to) end their songs

  11. I do not doubt you when you say this band has a third reich fetish, but how can you even tell? The lyrics are completely incoherent and there is virtually no information about the band to be found anywhere. I can only assume that Autistartili records works closely with Nazi sympathizers.

  12. The cover image is from an SS parade (though it's a bad xerox) the outro is a Reich populist songs called "On To The Fight"then there was Autistiartili's penchant for NS bands...

  13. huh. I like this, too. I used to be really sensitive to political agendas, but I missed a lot of good bands. I've decided music goes beyond reason, zuh. Thanks for the heads up. It's always good to know where the greasy love of hate is lying.

  14. this is amazing. best BM i've heard in awhile - since i discovered Malveillance and Sombre Chemin on this site. thanks!

  15. MeltedRubberSoulMay 5, 2009 at 5:00 AM

    I dunno what he's saying either, but this dudes voice sounds so evil, he might as well be a fucking Nazi.

    No, scratch that. He's one of those eldritch horrors from another dimension the Nazis tried to dig up on all their occult treasure hunts. But it lay dormant...until now

    And now, in some snowy, windswept valley, you hear its scream over the howl of the blizzard, echoing across the valley, and you know it's too late.

  16. This is incredible. First song kicks so much ass it makes no sense, then I get the ruling interlude and the next one kicks in to sound even rulinger than the first. I'm loving the fuck outta this.

  17. oohhhh fucccccckkkk this is the best thing ive ever heard

  18. this is the best shit ever. blast this and drive thru the ghetto.
