Saturday, December 27, 2008


My personal favorite release from these UK crust pioneers. No need to go into any long rant here. If you know it, cool. If you don't, you'd better. Doom's War Crimes is so fucking ripping you will be moved to stop your war profiteering and you will cease to be a multinational corporation. You will embrace an anarcho-vegan communal lifestyle in which all weapons will be melted down in order to make bicycles and guitars. A barter system will be enacted in which ticks and lice are currency. Nobody will have to work and PCP will be legalized.


  1. The only exposure I've had to this band is through the Max Cavalera and Alex Newport "side project" Nailbomb, I've been meaning to locate something by DOOM for some time - awesome.

    Nailbomb were also awesome.

  2. this band rules. Crust at its finest and most abrasive!

  3. Your comments lately are batting a thousand.

    Royal Oak, MI

  4. That album summary was gold. Extra points for "you will cease to be a multinational corporation."

    Love the album too. Too bad all the band's subsequent releases were haunted by the phrase "it's good, but not as good as War Crimes." They were a tough act to follow... even for themselves.

  5. This still kicks ass!Been awhile since I have heard anything from these guys,I assume they have long since disbaned/moved on to other projects.

  6. Pretty sure the singer hanged himself a few years back.

  7. I don't download or comment much but I always enjoy the writting. A true word-smith Aesop. Now this one was definitely worth adding to my already overcrowded harddrive and left me wondering why I didn't already have this. To me, Doom represented the best that crust had to offer. Did a post of my own on them a while back, . Thanx Aesop

  8. Thanks for taking me back havent heard this record in years.

  9. Wayne Southworth, who sang for Doom briefly, and much later than this album, died from an seizure.

  10. aesop, it seems here that you describe a utopia...

  11. you didnt approve my comment you comment nazi!

  12. I approve all comments, even the ones where people are dicks and call me a thief and a poseur.

  13. On March 18, 2005 Wayne Southworth (lead singer) was found dead in his home by a friend. The cause of death was an epileptic seizure.

    The band then toured England one last time without Wayne Southworth in tribute of their friend.

  14. I remember when I was a younger punk,I had a shitty distro...i tried peddling the 'police bastard' 7" to the mall punks...none bought it. Oh well, all was not a loss,my buddy who worked at the arcade,traded me video tokens for the Doom 7",ha,ha,ha. I had a Doom patch on my pants......crust-A-holocaust.
