Friday, December 26, 2008

Nastrond vs. Nocternity

This heavyweight bout pits too extremely kult bands against each other in a brutal fight for Satanic supremacy. Long running Swedish Black Metal band, Nastrond, certainly have the advantage of experience behind them, but young Greek upstarts, Nocternity, have a devastating delivery that just might fell the old timers.


  1. This is great. I only wish there were more tracks. Keep up the good work.

  2. Nastrond are pretty flippin' sweet. I only have their Age of Fire album from years back and its a worthy slab of blackened metal. I'll have to see how Nocternity measure up.

    Completely unrelated but the new Blasphemophagher album 'Nuclear Empire of Apocalypse' on NWN Records is just beyond awesome. Even includes the ol' early Voivod / Repulsion / Order From Chaos rumbling chainsaw bass sound I love so much. Sorry to always get off topic in the comments Aesop but I get beside myself with musical giddiness.

  3. i tried downloading this but it was only an empty folder

  4. Nocternity gets my vote. Ferocious!!!!!
