Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I Raminghi

I Raminghi were a little known Italian band who released this LP in 1971. Sometimes called Il lungo cammino dei Raminghi (though nothing on the cover suggests this), it is a fine album of dated occult dark proto-prog that will appeal to you nerds who love Jacula, I Teoremi, and all things vaguely witchy and Italian (I'm looking at you, Don.)


  1. Thank you ever so much! Good luck with your non-smoking existence!

  2. Haven't heard of this one, but visited the Jacula/Antonius Rex website today coincidentally. They seem to be active again. (But who isn't lately...)

  3. I'm ging to grab this one in hopes that it sounds like Goblin. In which case, I know what I'm listening to before bed every night.

  4. I wonder if anyone truly knows just how many lost-to-time great albums from the 70s are just floating around out there. Always seemed a little sad to me that so much of exists and often it seems to elude the ears of even those who really would appreciate and enjoy it.

  5. Cover looks incredible. With slutty girls and parrots, there's no way this record isn't good.

  6. My alley...this seems to be up it. Thanks as always for your golden ear and sterling uploadings.

  7. I haven't listened to it yet, but this sounds exactly like what I was looking for today...

  8. Anything mentioned in the same breath as Jacula is worth investigation. Thanks!

  9. Fuck yeah, this is good! Thank you!

  10. Wow this is very cool. It's putting me in the right mood at work this morning. Thanks for the up.
