The meth lab is more like it. These French dudes were high as fuck on something, probably not meth, but might as well be. The Lab is so far gorked, that while I can't call it "good," I can in good conscience, call it "fucking awesome." Rather amateurish Heavy Metal played with a great deal of joie de vivre, even if it lacks a raison d'être. If you have been following the Hearse you already know that talent isn't always the most important thing, and Axton Pryte's pedestrian noodlings best exemplify this axiom.
does anyone have their demo from 1984. this is hilariously good!!
Thank you Aesop! Looking forward to treating myself to this!
This is just too awesome. Thank you for sharing this.
This is great, they sound like a drunken Scorpions.
High in the alps, a cunning trapeze artist flings himself spinning into space, end over end....
a triumph!
this is deliriously good.
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