Sunday, February 1, 2009

Music To Kill Brain Cells By

Back when I posted Broken Talent's Bloodslut EP I touched on the importance of the label they ran called TPOS (True Piece of Sound or True Piece of Shit depending on the mood of the band.) I mentioned how TPOS and Broken Talent created their own aesthetic within the Miami punk scene and released some really strange and wonderful tape compilations along the way. Here is a personal favorite called Music To Kill Brain Cells By that includes some later recordings by Broken Talent, the rickety home taped genius of The Pop Cruds, and some truly fucked up acid weirdness from the likes of Verbal Circus and Fonzie's Nephews. I believe this came out in 1983. Thanks to Jeff Hodapp for sending me a CDR of this. My copy is beyond playable.


  1. this has got to be the dumbest blog i've ever had the displeasure of visiting.

  2. Blog-hate! You have arrived! Aesop, your the best. keep it up. I need some Old VH and some more Cargo-ish vibe flowing from your collection. And when are you planning to lay down the 411 on destruction's "Sentence of Death" on the young ones?

  3. Indeed. Sentence Of Death is in the works, as well as a cornucopia of other greats. Very excited about the next couple of weeks.

  4. Hey Aesop,
    No love for the Pop Cruds....oh well.

    Jeff H

  5. Sometimes it takes people a few days to get caught up.

  6. Hey, This is Santo, just to let the world know I am still living. I am still in the SoFlo area. Malcolm is up in the Conn area, Marky last I heard was around DC, and I have no freakin' idea where the hell Shane is. Unfortunately we all know Cindy is no longer with us, may she RIP. A mention should be made regarding all the lovely print publications from TPOS, as they did originate as a Underground Highschool Newspaper. So Many Drummers, So Little Band.

    We Still Rule No One
