Saturday, January 31, 2009


Another bizarre and beautifully fucked up recording from the mysterious West Virginia Black Metal cult, Ahulabrum. The Transitivity of Strangeness continues to delve further into the bands fascination with UFOs and extraterrestrial phenomena. After my last post about this great band I was visited by a strange man in an ill-fitting black suit, he introduced himself as Jack Brown and told me I shouldn't write about Ahulabrum anymore.


  1. Strange, but very cool record.

    "I was visited by a strange man in an ill-fitting black suit, he introduced himself as Jack Brown and told me I shouldn't write about Ahulabrum anymore."
    - its joke or reality??

  2. It's a reference to the book "The Mothman Prophecies"

  3. I remember the first post, but for some reason I didn't download it then. Odd, since I've been fascinated by UFO's 'n' like shit since childhood.

  4. YES!!!! thanks a lot! i loved the last ahulabrum tape you posted. it impressed me very much. i wrote an email to ahulabrum if their tapes are still available and yes they are. but then i was to busy or whatever and i forgot the whole thing... i think i have to make a paypal payment tonight :)

  5. I was listening to this and my phone rang. Which is strange because it has been shut off for two months. The caller identified himself as Indrid Cold. He said that I am number 37. Whatever that means.

  6. UFO's, Black Metal, and West Virginia. A hell of a combination! Thanks for this and the first post. If the various events described by Keel really took place, then some strange, creepy shit went down!

  7. Highly recc. the Mothman Prophecies.
    Love UFOs, love aliens, hate USA, love this band.

  8. Am really enjoying this and the first AHULABRUM post. The aural manifestation of the unease when in contact with an unknowable entity.

    Aliens are creepy.

  9. Great stuff - where do you find it all? There's a weird, twisted vibe here that reminds me of Portal somehow. They should definitely consider a concept album about Richard S. Shavers 'dero'.

  10. Years and years of tape trading and dicking around the internet. Ahulabrum have plans to release a CD of all three demos they did. The third demo "Phantom of Flatwoods" I haven't posted yet. I sincerely hope they release the CD and include a lot of info about the subject of extraterrestrials in the booklet. Definitely one of the coolest USBM bands there is. IMO

  11. So fuckin great. Hope that cd comes out soon...

  12. Such amazing stuff, and such an amazing blog.

  13. Strange, obscure, great! Thanks! I've never heard something like this! Althogh I don't believe in Ufos or that shit also the fact that they installed some radio transmissions which ar supposed to be beamed by aliens is interesting.
    Could you please post there third demo??

  14. Thanks for this! Truly unsettling stuff.

  15. I could've sworn I heard Chewbacca on this,just like on that Velvet Underground song that I can't remember the name of but that Chewy had guest vocals on...Anyways have a Star Wars Christmas or don't.

  16. Mysterous stuff, hopefully gets released as you said - with tons of footage (obscure, yellowy newspaper-cuts, etc). The 128 kb/s shows some nasty data-compression-swishing especially in the Transitivity-tape. Great nonetheless....

  17. I'm from WV so this is an incredible find! I didn't know anyone here besides me listened to this kind of music, let alone played it. Can't wait to listen. With our wacky state's legends of monsters, haunted hotels & closed mental hospitals and other assorted weirdness, the subject matter is not suprising. The Mothman and the Boggy Creek Monster were the boogeymen of my childhood.

  18. Pure weirdness !
    Would be perfect on those 50's - 60's alien movies.
    Thanks for sharing this.
