Monday, March 2, 2009


Yet another really fucked up Saarland Black Metal cassette. Is their no end? Corneus' Teufelschmand might be my favorite of the bunch, perhaps only because one of these songs is sung by a dog who is credited on the tape cover as "Arko-Guest Growls." Beyond lo-fi, crazy effected vocals and overpowering cheap synths are the hallmark of this scene, and Corneus takes it a step further, ejaculating into brown acid swamps of sonic butt fudge. I want to smoke PCP and stay up all night talking about Josef Goebbels' sex life with Corneus. That's how fucked up this tape is.


  1. Sonic Butt Fudge? Your delicate words fill me with fervor and longing. What a wonderful way to start the week. Thanks Babe!

  2. Wow, this is really fucked up in a good, kinda cheesy way. Like the artist was playing a bunch of early nineties computer games, listening to Joy Division, and taking meth when he decided to make a black metal album.

    Dog barking just makes the whole thing even weirder.

  3. Those synths are insane. And the humming.
    Very awesome.
    Looking forward to more obscurity, sir.

  4. This shit is seriously great. I'm going to listen to this while I play Gauntlet.

  5. wow, this is quite something. the cossak patrol melody on the second track is hilarious

  6. Just.... wow. Vocals. Unbelievable. The dark lord would be proud. Or, something.

  7. I'm guessing you've heard Hatebeak, with the parrot vocals. There's also a band called, I think, Caninus, that has dog vocals. [insert witty remarks here]

  8. Yes, I have heard both bands. I had hoped it would launch a trend of animal bands but alas...

  9. WOW.
    The dog vox are killer...sounds great.
    Listening to this straight now, but I think I want to robo trip and listen to this on maximum volume sometime soon....

  10. another 15MB bites the dust..cant resist the write up!

    greetings from Biloela!

  11. This reminds me of some friend of mine who played his bass and was singing over some track from isvind and tried to sell this to the people as his own creation. And he tried to sound ultra-evil, maybe he should had used his dog too.
