Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Back when The Hearse started and we didn't know each other all that well, I invited you to a balls out Hungarian coke party in the form of Skorpio's first album A Rohanas. But did you come? No, you didn't. The post got one lonely comment. Whatever, bro. The party went on without you. Hell, that just meant there was more disco biscuits, blow and 1970s Eastern European silver dollar nipples for the rest of us. You missed out is all I'm saying. Well lucky for you Skorpio had another kick ass Budapest fuckfest with their second LP Ünnepnap. The title means "Feast" and feast you will on their chunky riffs, catchy choruses, wailing organs, sideburns and male camel toe. Seriously, don't fucking drop the ball a second time.


  1. i would like to say that i rocked the shit out of their first album last summer and just listened to it this past weekend. very excited to hear this one!


  2. fuck yeah, rules! and sign me up for some of those Eastern European silver dollar nipples.

  3. Hehee, I have that lp!

  4. God, this is a fucking treasure. If I wasn't conceived to this, I'm holding my parents deeply responsible.

    You can actually smell the coke-laced mammaltoe (my preferred term for male camel toe) through the organ line. Not to mention the cow bell.

    Thanks for this. Made my day.

  5. Dude...this record is great, thanks a lot, I'm off to d/l the first one.

  6. From Skorpio I only know the track 'Szevasz haver' (from Andy Votel's 'Well Hung - 20 Funk-Rock Eruptions From Beneath Communist Hungary - Volume 1'). Nnnice.

  7. It's the soundtrack to a cocaine-fueled dance party in the Chernobyl reactor.

  8. Hey that first Skorpio album was kick ass and thx for upping this one too. Looking forward to it...

  9. Next thing you know you will be dropping Man's "Be good to yourself at least once a day" .

    For shame I did not check out the first release. Hangs head in shame.


  10. when you're right, you're right.

  11. I was late to the party, yo. I'm gonna claim I was hangin' with the Hungarian porn honeys out back. I freekin love these '70's records...

  12. Oh shit. How do you say "spooge" in Hungarian?
