Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Kreamy 'Lectric Santa

Here's some wonderous high lowbrow art damage pop psych acid genius fuckery from my friends Kreamy 'Lectric Santa, and their debut CD Da Bronx Sity Chiken Machine. KLS (for short) are the life's work of Robert and Priya, the cutest couple on Earth and twisted, almost Blake-like visionaries. It's rare when a band can create their own aesthetic, their own universe and be unencumbered by any outside influence, and KLS do it effortlessly and with a fair amount of snarky humor and astute observation. Not to mention they write some of the most infectious songs you are likely to hear. The band formed way back in the early '90s in Miami. Some time ago Priya was left paralyzed after an accident but this only firmed their resolve. KLS now live in Oakland, California, where they continue to churn out deliciously outsider pop music in the form of numerous 7"s, and CDRs. The band has plans to release a new full-length CD very soon. Oh, and that is David Vincent (whom the album is dedicated to) on the collage above. KLS has some weird obsession with the Morbid Angel frontman. Okay.


  1. "Priya" - Indian? Just wondering. That sucks about the accident.

  2. Indeed, Priya is Indian and about the nicest person you'll ever meet.

  3. Best thing I've heard in awhile besides some old J. Tull records, I finally checked out that i wasn't alive to witness.

  4. How my life has changed since I started listening to KLS

    Before KLS my life was dullsville! I had no friends and my breath always had the odor of cat food and turpentine. I was listless and unable to masturbate more than eight times a day. I was sacred of the government and unable to work more than fifteen minutes a day.
    I didn’t understand why no one could hear me think and my eyes were constantly itchy and discharging a yellowish goo.

    Now that KLS is in my life everything has changed. My penis
    (Mr. Madoff) has increased in length and girth. I have the staying power of a Black African Rhinoceros. I can soar with the angels and talk to god. I can water ski, walk on fire and stare at nothing for hours.
    I can speak several dead languages, knit, and prepare incredible French style desserts. I have tons of great friends, girls talk to me, the cool dudes want to “hang out” with me and my parents no longer despise me. My stock portfolio has quadrupled in value and I finally got my gun license. I can see through walls and hear other people’s thoughts.
    Mister Arrow

  5. ^ this comment above is really... genius. Hahah.

  6. Thought that was the younger James Heterofield in there at first.

  7. Did Priya have her accident in Atlanta? I remember some girl falling through a ceiling in the Westend warehouses. I also remember KLS playing around here often.

  8. got to see KLS back in the day in Athens GA downstairs @ Tasty World
    Thanks for posting this skinmelt

  9. Fantastic.

    Do some of the tracks repeat on the original CD?

  10. Nope, the album is great but the file is messed up.
    Here is the full album, with correct titles and sequence: (source: ), I didn't upload this file!

    More info on the album:'Lectric-Santa/Da-bronx-sity-chicken-machine-vol-2/album-v2130849

  11. Fucking Andrew!!! Fucking Priya!!! Those fuckers would roll through Chicago and destroy with smiles. Ć’uck! You post fantastic brilliance. Burmese?! Best. Give Weasel Walter a fucking Rorschach animus enema!!!

  12. Well, I got scooped. I was in the process of re-uploading Bronx Sity with the songnames fixed in the tags and filenames. Looks like someone already did that, but hey, I did too:

    Note that in addition to the album being mislabeled, no rip I've seen yet has the right song titles - Whose Got Da Nu Amerika and Iconocrap were squeezed together into one track; noone has accurately labelled Load Pt. 2 - it's just complicated. But I guarantee this version is correct.

    Anyhow, thanks for the upload of this great album! Of all my long-lost CDs this was the one I missed most. Dunno if it has been mentioned here but they have a new album coming out on Starcleaner Records in June.

  13. Had this back when it was released. Lost my copy somewhere along the line. This is a masterwork! Thanks for making it available...
