Thursday, March 12, 2009


I just realized that I have yet to do a proper post on one of my favorite NSBM bands, Germany's Bilskirnir. So here I present Bilskirnir's limited fourth demo Vorväter. An unrepentant hardline white nationalist named Widar is Bilskirnir's sole member. But even more interesting than Widar's far right politics is his penchant for almost pop-punk hooks. They creep up often in Bilskirnir's sizable catalog. At times Bilskirnir reminds me of what could have been if the original Absurd line up took their primal Teutonic death punk to the next level of basement misanthropy, and kind of like Graveland if Darken listened to more Oi and Street Punk. Since this early demo, Bilskirnir has cranked out consistently choice releases that you might want to avoid if you are particularly sensitive to racism, nationalism, aryanism, pan-europeanism, heathenism, paganism, odinism or any other isms that don't agree with whatever isms you are wrapping yourself in these days.


  1. i don't know what he's sayin, but damn this music is great! thanks.

  2. I don't know what he is saying either and really don't care. Love the cover and really like the vibe of the music. Thanks as always. You REALLY need to take a pic of the cassette collection. -j

  3. you played this for me before, i think they kinda sound like filth. which in my opinion is a good thing. and white pride is just hilarious to me, like what the fuck do you have to be proud of?

  4. I think often it is a knee jerk reaction to being made ashamed of something, equally dumb. However, this is music, not a book or a college class, it really shouldn't be over politicized or overanalyzed. Is it good is really my only concern.

  5. The open chords in the title track remind me of CSNY.

    Suddenly, I'm certain that tense-necked screaming was the element missing in that quartet.

    This tape is very nice.
    A few more BM acts need not be afraid of major chord progressions, I think. It's nice to hear something consonant every once in a while.

  6. I totally agree, Roger, I really can't think of a more evil album than the Beach Boys "Friends" it's a shame that most of these NS bands are really only influenced by other lo-fi BM bands. You should look into Ulfhetnar, Widars more punk project, totally sounds like an evil Screeching Weasel at times.

  7. Aesop, I am unable to tell if you're being serious or not here.

    I am currently listening to Friends again for evilness.

  8. Major & minor scales often spoil balck meatl for me. GET DISSONANT!

  9. Hey, is this supposed to be just three tracks? The MP3s say "1/2/3 of 9."

  10. I think you can only appreciate this, because you cannot speak german - vorväter... "forefathers", blood & soil bullshit, come on, you really don't have to post this?!

  11. Funny the word forefather doesn't bother me.

  12. Bilskirnir is the shit! Got any of their other albums?

  13. Yeah man - I love Bilskirnir, although 'In Flames of Purification' is all I actually own...and you're right about Widar's penchant for catchy hooks; it's uncanny how often I find 'For Victory We Ride' (For 'Wictory' heheh)stuck in my head!

  14. "I'm talkin' about Evil and Darkness,Joe!!!!" man that's such a great prank phone call.

  15. fire_walk_with_us!June 22, 2010 at 3:34 PM

    Absolutely awesome.

    Without a doubt, Bilskirnir is one of the best BM acts out there, regardless of his silly ideas.

    Thanks very much for sharing Aesop.
