Thursday, April 2, 2009


Another deep and provocative tape release from the arcane Salem, Oregon based label, Woodsmoke. Ever since I posted the munn cassette, you all have been up my ass for more stuff from Woodsmoke, so here you go. Ancestortooth is the usual Woodsmoke suspects doing some esoteric soil stained doooooooom. This tape is called The Elephant Boneyard.


  1. Twin Uzis in HyruleApril 2, 2009 at 11:34 AM

    Loved that Munn upload. Looking forward to hearing this thanks.

  2. Damn dude. this is a dead, lifeless, torpid, vapid motherfucker. cheers. -Kevin H

  3. Everything Woodsmoke put out is gold.

    For anyone reading this in the Bay Area, MANIA (Leech side project) is playing at HazMat in Oakland Sunday April 5 with FELL VOICES and LAKE OF BLOOD...

  4. Excellent selection. Woodsmoke releases deserve the recognition!

    Hey Aesop, Any chance you could post the Ludicra demo. I never heard about that until looking at Metal Archives. Does it exist? Please share!

  5. The Ludicra demo was just a few songs from the first album, nothing special. The whole album is here

  6. OK, I thought it might be an alternate recording. Thanks for the information, Hope the Agalloch tour went well.

  7. Twin Uzis in HyruleApril 10, 2009 at 2:08 PM

    Yeah this is good. Sounds like it was recorded in a dungeon ftw. Love the vox

  8. It WAS recorded in a dungeon.

  9. This kicks ass.
    Any way you could post Leech's "Ten Black Hymns" demo?

  10. Great Stuff!

    Please could you upload more Woodsmoke stuff? I'm hooked!

    I'm going to write to them to see if I can get a 'catalogue' of their releases. I have managed to find some Leech on another blog. I don't know if you already own anything by them. I'd be happy to send you some if not.

    Thank you so much for bringing this brilliant label to my attention. Keep up the good work.
