Friday, April 3, 2009


This is what you get when high-brow Jazz musicians indulge their deepest low-brow love of grindcore, pulp novels, and far-eastern fetish porn, Naked City's Torture Garden album. As much as I hate this kind of musical "slumming it," this album blew my mind upon my first listen. Skittish blur-lounge death spasms from codgers that usually play dreadful places like Yoshi's and one mister Eye of The Boredoms. Essential.


  1. Bill Frisell (sp?) actually lives in the same small town as I do in the Northwest when I'm not at school. I'm gonna check this out.

  2. but have you read the book:


  3. This album completely changed the way I looked at music. I'd been looking for it for almost a year when I finally found it, after going to the music store to buy a Nine Inch Nails tape (of all things). I hadn't heard this in a few years, but every note is still completely ingrained in my brain. Astounding stuff. Thanks.

  4. As prolific as Eye is, he's surprisingly consistent in picking great collaborations and putting out quality material. Thanks.

  5. How does this rank with NC's "John Zorn" release? I loved it and hated it at same time. Mostly my young ears were not ready for the madness. The Pink Panther was cool at the time but now?.... -jabladav

  6. Check out the movie "Funny Games." Either version.

  7. This is classic room-clearing music!!!!Same goes for Painkiller.Most of the other Naked City LP's were overpriced hard to find turds,but this record is quite fun. Mike

  8. The "Radio" album is also very good, loaded up with plenty of 'assault jazz', as I described it back in the day.

  9. True, this is the album that made me realize the farther potential of music...
