Sunday, April 19, 2009

Demon City Reaper

This dude Paul does this band called Demon City Reaper and he loves G.I.S.M. and Zouo, but this brief demo also has some of the same bizarre fumbling tendencies of some of my favorite lo-fi Black Metal bands like Akitsa, Command, Malveillance, and Stella Polaris. So fucking weird, I want more. I'm just taking a wild guess but I think the title means "New Wave of American Metal Punk," but this barely resembles anything recognizable.


  1. The fucked up cover and musical comparisons in your review have got my attention. This one should really rule.

  2. Sadly it is only 2 tracks, but Papst, from the great Am I Mean? blog has some plans to release some more stuff by DCR.

  3. Aesop, Im from russia, so title means New Wave Of Apocalyptic Metal Punk. Not American, coz Im not from USA, hehehe....

    In any case - thanx for interest.

  4. Ahhhh, thanks for clearing that up, Paul. And thanks for this strange music you make, can't wait to hear more.

  5. BTW, are you really thought, that im from USA, heh?

    DCR actually just a tip of iceberg... I was involved in tons of various strange projects, and tons of other will come.

    There will be DCR/Distate (ex-ENT) split on Mat Papst label... and some more stuff, that still TBA.

    Speaking of black punk - check out your mighty yankee HARASSOR - this guys is really fukked-up.

  6. Awesome, this is really fucked up sounding and i am forever greatful

  7. Yeah, I don't know why I thought that. Will definitely check out Harrasor.

  8. this fucking rules! wanted to say thanks for the awesome work you put in with this blog. i'm unhealthily obsessed with downloading music, so i'm always stoked to see what kind of obscure shit will be here each day.

  9. Seems like black metal has just become blackened hardcore punk these days...

  10. yeah. Durub Ur, actually i never said, that DCR is black metal. It was created under strong influence from japanese hXc and metal... and NWOBHM.

    if you listen this demo more times, u cand realize that most of the riffs rip-offed from 1 (one) DIAMOND HEAD song (guess, what song??)...

  11. btw, thnks to all you guys - in russia most of the "scene" hate my music, hehehe...

  12. to say a truth - DCR was created like mix of GISM, Zouo, Diamond Head, Sodom (ger) and Sabrabells...
    with sloppy shitty noisy production....

    I was heavily inspired by Bludwulf 2003 demotape with more shitty production but with ultracool cathcy tunes.

  13. btw, Malveillance was really one of those bands, that really impress me sooo heavily, that i even created black punk project ZAAKU.
    I can send u one ZAAKU demo, Aesop, if you wish.

  14. Which isn't a bad thing.

  15. Paul, definitely send anything you are working on my way.

  16. This is really, really good. Thank you. Its noisy ina very good way.

    By the way, awesome blog - Ive been coming here more-or-less daily for a couple months and have gotten so many amazing releases from you.

  17. Dude... I wasn't bull shiting when I put up the post on my blog that said DEMON CITY REAPER and BLIND TO FAITH are the best bands making (or destroying) music right now.

  18. bloody amazing to say the least !
    any way to get physical copies of that "N.W.A.M.P." thing AND how to get in touch with Paul/Demon City Reaper ?!?

    thanks and congrats once again to Cosmic Hearse !!


  19. .NSI., Paul has a blog as well here:

    I'm also waiting on some mp3s of his Black Metal project, I imagine it's pretty out there. Pabst Benedikt of the great AM I mean blog has plans to release the DCR stuff on vinyl, there is a link provided on Cosmic Hearse's main page.

  20. Just heard Brian Turner play a track off this on WFMU. Sounded like a blackened Snapper. Ace!

  21. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!
    Grk, thanx to u man - I cant beleive, that someone aired DCR...

    NSI, i dropped u an e-mail.

  22. Hey, the link for NWOAMP got deleted, could you upload it again?

