Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Some organ heavy proto-doom satani-psych for you courtesy of Bodkin and their 1972 self-titled album. Bodkin were from England. I don't really feel like writing much today, sorry. Get this though, and leave a comment or something.


  1. I sense a heavy hearse download session this coming weekend. I am currently downloading the first series of Mr Show and will catch up and leave comments all over this motherfucker as soon as that's done.

  2. Aesop-
    Thanks for all the good tunes. I was shocked to learn you were the man behind the funeral agency. I was a big fan of your label. Any chance it will be active again?

  3. Thanks, Tobias, but no. It became too expensive and time consuming. I'm in school, two bands, a job, a kid..

  4. jobs fuck everything up....

    i own the arkarma reissue, good shit.

  5. I'm only into the first song, but this is classy, and rocking. Please keep it up dude.

  6. Dope.........

    you dig Thin Lizzy right.......what album should I check out first??????

  7. Hey Aesop, your blog was kind of an inspiration for me to start a lame wannabe music blog of my own, if you wanna check it out its country-free.blogspot.com

    Downloading this album now, looks cool. thanks again

  8. ADD, will check it out, thanks.

    TMM,yes and yes. Fighting, Black Rose, Jail Break, Bad Reputation..all classics.

  9. A welcome bedfellow for Sudden Death

  10. This album is a must for all fans of early Procol Harem (I fact I am emailing the link to a friend who is a big-time PH fan). They defintely have the PH organ sound down pat, but if anything I like Bodkin better because the lyrics are downplayed in favor of the music. I always hated P. Harem's sappy, pretentious 'poetic' lyrics.

    Again, thank you so much for posting another obscure gem!

    -The Anonymous Jew

  11. i thought everyone already owned this but hey thats cool. great lp fer sure nontheless

  12. Aesop, please tell the whole story about your labels and full list of its releases, if its possible, im very interested.

  13. Paul, write to my regular email (joinedattheass@hotmail.com) and I'll give you the whole run down of releases.

  14. I look at this record cover and I just think of the movie Zombi.............classic.
