Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Nuke Your Dink

I have, on many occasions, professed my love for regional compilations. So far we've heard Metal from Cleveland, Hip Hop from Connecticut, punk from Florida, Nationalist Black Metal from Russia, Noise Punk from Kyushu, and now we have Nuke Your Dink, a compilation of Nevada's best punk bands from the '80s. Usually these type of punk comps were the result of the tireless work of one or two scene lynchpins who gathered the source material, paid for the pressing and usually ended up losing a ton of dough for their efforts. The only band on Nuke Your Dink to ever get any widespread notoriety was 7 Seconds. The other bands are just as good but for whatever reason were not generally known outside of Nevada. The best track by far is the last one by The Yobs, their snotty, wonky punk is a refreshing change from the standard hardcore offered up by the other bands here. A good, not great, comp that acts like a nice sonic snapshot of the hardcore scene from a state you probably never gave a shit about unless you like gambling, legal whores, or nuclear test sites.


  1. Nevada...what else can Nevada be known for... how about The Burning Man Project? That's where all weirdos meet once a year.

    I am going to check this hardcore comp out; once again, thank you Aesop for the musical suggestion.

  2. *ahem*


  3. "Nuke Your Dink" are in fact the best three words to start one's new life as an adult. Don't let Sam McPheeters fool you!

  4. Always been a fan of this one - thanks for the rip!

  5. so killer! thanks for this. Urban Assault's song on the WE GOT POWER comp also rules. anyone have anything more by them??

  6. Speaking of regional comps-

    Wondering if anyone reading this has a rip of a Northwest record called "We Are All Guilty." Great collection of mid-nineties Seattle area punk. My vinyl got scratched up at some point and it's impossible to find (for a reasonable price) now.

  7. yes, nevada. came up in vegas and saw plenty of great desert shows, not the least of which was c.o.c in '85 . by the way saw hickey in a friends living room also a great one. cheers, thanks.

  8. This was great, but as I write this now, I don't remember anything about any of the songs or the bands that played them - which is great because it means I can listen to it again with "fresh" ears.

  9. Oh wow! Thank you thank you! I live in Reno and love regional shit, but my knowledge really ends at Bludgeon. So thank you! On a completely unrelated note- I was wondering if you have anything by Banished, I know of one seven inch on Peaceville that was fucking rad! But Ive lost my copy somewhere along the lines.....once again thanks for a fantastic blog!

  10. Don't know of Banished, sorry.

  11. Does anyone know anything about the Yobs other than the fact that they were from Nevada? I've got their LP, Wild Hunt, and it's one of the weirdest and best things on Positive Force.

  12. Not a thing, Adny. But if you ever rip it be sure to send me a link. I would love to hear more from them.

  13. Lost my copy years ago; thanks for making this available.

  14. played bass bass for the yobs for 11 years... including the cut on NUKE YOUR DINK...can tell you lots more info on THE YOBS if you like...

  15. Bring it on. We need to hear more Yobs.

  16. waddup aesop...sue pos here... bassist 4 the tons of recorded mat...unreleased... some live some studio outakes... trying to package some up rite now... got to find a way to mail u or email u some live cuts... think u will like alot of this shit...

  17. well sue pos wheres the rest???
    we were like a gang be4 there was a band, be a yob was/is a way of life . some of them, formed a band and shredded the west coast in the 80's off shoots included Madam Hell and the Torn.
