Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Princess Leather

I gave you the run down on the Garza sisters and their band Heather Leather here, but now I am kicking you their album Princess Leather. The album was recorded in 1988 but wasn't released until 2005, when the ladies reunited for some gigs in their hometown of San Antonio. Fall under their spirited but clumsy chola metal spell once again.

And, I want to remind all of you about Blog Bodies, the blog where myself and other great music bloggers of note compile a "mix tape" for you on a certain theme. It is updated every week and this week we tackle Summer. You should follow this blog, download the mix and listen to it over and over again until the next one is posted, then repeat.


  1. My Sony Robot dog love your mix
    Especially italian ice creams from eurodance high energy
    sexy sexy

  2. Damn, it smells like beans, rice, and stinky Garza in here. In 1988 these gals had thick, sweaty bushes. In 2005 they had 17 grandchildren between them and regularly muled drugs for the Mexican Mafia. I'll take the thick one on the right.

  3. you should have called this the heather leather experiment. i would rather listen to break it up than this.

  4. thanks for this, and I love the mix in the Blog Bodies comps.

  5. For some reason this reminds me of watching Glamazon at the Covered Wagon in the mid '90s.
    The best part is all the roto tom rolls.

  6. I don't know why it took me a few songs to hear it, but was their drummer named "Boss - Dr. Rhythm" by any chance?

  7. Thanks for posting this!!! Fuck all haters, Heather Leather rules. Now You Return and Pretty Shy Boy are almost impossible to listen to, though. I also love how it sounds like they played the drums on a casio on some songs. Even when the drums are real, they use those "electro drum" sounds on the fills. Me and Shannon are trying to figure out who does what from the picture, any clues?

  8. Dustin, I have no idea, but they do have a MySpace page. Second anonymous commenter, your comment is so lame, I was tempted to reject it but then I remebered that I don't censor my readers, they have every right to be as xenophobic and moronic as they choose to be. I imagine that you still live in some 90s "Fuck PC" shock -value mentality, and you imagine that you are really clever, but you are no Tesco Vee, you aren't even an El Duce, you are just El Douchebag. Save your juvenile, sloppy racism for "Guess Her Muff" or something more your speed.

  9. Smiles from ear to ear on this one! Pretty Shy Boy" is a just pure Summer puppy good times! I love this album and thanks to the Cosmic Hearse I am swimming in the angelic voices and riffs of these Princess's

  10. always loved this single, cant wait to hear this

  11. I like it, once in a while that casio drum roll sounds friends sure know that I've used it from time to time!!!!!!.....and what the fuck is Guess Her Muff?????????

  12. Hell Bent for Heather!

  13. The deliberate (seemingly) snatch of 'Erruption' during 'Screaming Angels' was the point at which their Karaoke type vibe hit me.


  14. I missed the original HL post, but here's an article I wrote about Heather Leather. Thanks for this post.
