Tuesday, August 25, 2009


This is a rollicking good time of a comp CDR from the awesome home spun underground label, Morbid Massakre. Like all things Morbid Massakre related, this comp rules, and the inclusion of Hearse alumni, Nuclear Frost, Rukkus, and Evil Army helps. A great variety of retro-thrash, grinding crust, and war-obsessed D-Beat. Seriously you should buy everything this label offers, it is all exceptional and cheap.


  1. I'm sorry if I disappoint you but you're like a teenager speaking about rock and rol (rolls ?)
    Don't thanks me if I help you to be more professional, this is nothing
    The "second degré" is the worst thing you will do to help your country, like the creation of the hot dogs on Coney Island to improve the typical Germany (sometimes it's better to be fascist than religious) that are so friendly americans (only the disney ones of cours)

  2. I see that Evil Army is touring with the Melvins.....starting this Saturday....August 29th......hope to catch them....

  3. this comp is great, i just found a few new favorite bands! thanks!

    -dan morgan
