Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Brilliant experimental Black Metal from Slovakia. Don't know much about the Slovakian scene, but Remmirath definitely piqued my interest. The band has more in common with Ruins of Beverast and Smohalla rather than any corpse painted Darkthrone clone. Here is their 2005 Ep Smrt Putnikova for you.


  1. Once again, thank you for the dark strangeness.

  2. I don't love The BM as much as most, but there's something about this one. Maybe it's because it sounds like it was recorded in a freeway drainage tube? The interludes are stellar, and everything has just the right "creep" factor. Excellent, and thank you.

    You didn't like BAD BEACH, did you?

  3. Bad Beach wasn't awful, but not great either.

  4. I love, love, love this post. The artwork is...phenomenal! It looks like Death in June mixed with the puppet from Saw mixed with some old Burzum artwork. And the music itself is fantastic! It's creepy and despairing, but there's also so much beauty and restraint going on here. Thank you so much for putting this one up.

  5. hey, this is actually some well-written stuff! great interludes too. another ace!

  6. Thanks for this one. I had only heard their last years album Polis Rouge which is worth listening as it is some pretty fucked up experimental black metal. Try it.

  7. Thanks for this. Been trying to track down more good Central European BM. Particularly with the obligatory clanking pseudo-blacksmith, folk melody, goblin laughter interlude.

    Coming to see Ludicra tonight... damn excited and looking forward to meeting you.

  8. What the heck's happened to that fella's face?

  9. Well I didn't expect that. The interludes did nothing for me and big track number 2 didn't really work either but big track number 1... oh my, every riff is amazing. I wonder what else this dude has done. Nice find. And excellent cover art.

  10. another slovakian bm worth a listen is korium
