Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Man of Your Dreams

File Under "The worst movie-related novelty cash-in records of all time." If you can get through this and not fall asleep, you win. I think I'd rather listen to that Dokken song "Dream Warriors" 100 times than sit through this again. Enjoy!


  1. When I was 8.......I spent a good chunk of my day flipping my Dokken "Dream Warriors" cassette single over and over and over again. Fuck, I thought I was tough!!!!!!!!

  2. Holy crap, my mom bought this for me when I was a kid, being the big Freddy fan that I was. I remember the disappointment, too... Awful!

  3. i'm getting this because a.)it's freddy, b.)i have no fucking clue what this is, and c)cause i'm a sucker for bad horror related spin-off shit. should i be terrified?

  4. haha this is fucking awesome, but not nearly as awesome as dokken defeating freddy with the sheer might of their rocking in the dream warriors video.

  5. When I was in 7th grade I was walking down the street from my bus stop to my house, carrying this album along w/ my books. My brother drove up along side me, and I hopped onto the hood of his car to ride the rest of the way to the house. Unfortunately once he started moving, I was catapulted off, and I wound up in the hospital with a concussion and a bunch of stitches. But I have a vivid memory of sitting, slumped over with my head on my arms resting on my knees waiting for the ambulance, and this record was underneath me, Freddy all grinning up at me while I sobbed and bled.

    Listening to the album once I got home from the hospital was somehow more painful.

  6. of all the rare stuff, this especially THANK YOU! heh. Dance or DIE!

  7. looks like i win. but i somehow can't help the feeling that ultimately i've lost even more, in the end.
