Sunday, November 8, 2009

Total War

Another classick released by the now defunct Necropolis Records, the label that at one time was rose to the top of elite metal supremacy, then flooded the market with useless records, ripped off bands, and faded into memory. War was a sort of supergroup with members of Hypocrisy, Vondur, Abruptum, and Dark Funeral. The intent was crank out a nasty EP of pure driving hate metal. Mission accomplished. Total War is perfect, just a quick blitzkrieg of vehement riffing coupled with questionable lyrics about war, elitism and, of course, Satan. An anxiously awaited follow up to Total War was thwarted due to lawsuits and in fighting, and the result was the unauthorized release of a lackluster LP titled We Are War. I remember reading an old Trouser Press, in which the verbose and elegant Tesco Vee had said that Celtic Frost's Emperor's Return EP on his walkman made him want to punch old people in the supermarket, well Total War works much in the same way for me twenty some odd years later. SATAAAAAANNNNNN!!!!!


  1. Great record. We Are...Total War is a compilation of the same band later named Total War. I think it includes both this record and the We Are War EP, though the EP is pretty much 15 minutes or so of the same thing. ;)

    I love the panning of the echoes of the word "Satan!" in the track aptly titled "Satan."

  2. Ah, Necropolis. Who doesn't miss that piece of shit? Had some damn good releases though.

    Thanks for the Sunday morning Satan.

  3. Sunday Morning Satan would be a heckva band name.

  4. Dude, thank you, this brings the fucking hate. And I agree, it is absolutely perfect. I bet it was recorded inside a burning church or something.


  5. Im sure they were sued by the other band named WAR(of Low Rider fame),this is one of the better albums from Necropolis records.

  6. Man, this is absolutely sick. Thanks so much for including the history as well. I bought this and a Black Witchery/Conqueror split at a CD Warehouse many years ago and have never really known all the info about this record. Just totally awesome!

  7. this shit smokes dude! just wish it was a little bit longer, like an LP or a 12" EP. but yeah....questionable lyrics indeed! fuck it. thanks aesop!

  8. haha I remember buying this @ metal haven in chicago and skating home with it in my walkman...'We are the elite! Make way for the master race!' fucking hilarious to hear Peter Tatgren say that shit.

  9. one of my favorite bm records ever!
    alls vocals are so ferocious!

  10. Hell ya...I am elite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
