Sunday, December 6, 2009


Avzhia is a  long-standing Black Metal kult from Mexico City. Their debut album, 1996's Dark Emperors draws inspiration from the early works of Satyricon and Dimmu Borgir. I imagine if Avzhia came from Norway, not Mexico, Dark Emperors might enjoy a bit more recognition. Check it out.


  1. Have you heard Xibalba (also from Mexico)? That stuff really kicks ass, and quite original sounding too. This norse-y bm stuff isn't my thing, just like the whole Entombed/Dismember scene..

  2. What is it about Mexico City? They seem to be the standard bearers for classic second wave black metal now. I got the Xibalba reissue and that smokes too!

  3. Their myspace page shows that this has gotten the re-issue treatment.

  4. The XIBALBA/AVZHIA demo kills, thanks for the long-player

  5. Xibalba doesn't have anything to do with Avzhia (Xibalba would hate to be named along with them). Mexico City is the area of the old Mexica ("Aztec")-island-capital, while Xibalba stem from the Mayan territories in the South, which was under Mexica-hegemonial rule, when the Spaniards came. It still has another culture (and language). Don't throw together in a bowl, what doesn't fit. That soup won't taste.
