Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Visitation

Chrome is as much a San Francisco institution as cable cars, sourdough, and gayness, maybe even more so. The Visitation was Chrome's stunning debut LP. To describe Chrome's sound is all together futile, but if I had to I would use the words "post-punk kraut space rock acid funk rock proto-industrial no-wave gothic noise" and still fail to capture the full gamut of Chrome's genius. While The Visitation isn't my favorite Chrome release, it was first and is as good a place as any to start your new obsession with this legendary band.


  1. Chrome kills!!!! Helios Creed plays Austin once in awhile,I have yet to check it out. Space Rock Apocalypse!!!!NOISENOISENOISE.

  2. So tell us which is your favorite ?

  3. when i was a bit younger i was very into early industrial music and goth and postpunk and spacerock too... so, Chrome was kinda shocking band to me - combining all this genres.
    although, i more love later Chrome stuff, more post-punkish soundin'.

  4. oh, aesop, i started to listening chrome with "alien soundtracks", but never understand this record. still dont like it.

  5. Exactly, Mr. Von Aphid.Tinny garbage sounding like it was recorded in a coffee can. Concise enough?

  6. I've heard-of-but-never-heard Chrome, and look forward to it. Thanks!

  7. not what i expected actually, but i really like it, thanks

  8. Never heard this one, as I was always warned offa it... but I gotta say it's kinda fuckin cool. Maybe listening to too much Santana when they put it together, but still cool.

  9. Well I did not much like it when it came out on CD, but I have since then learned to love early-mid 70's avant/psychedelia, and now I fucking love 'The Visitation'!
    'Return to Zanzibar' is especially amazing.
    Thanks again Aesop!

    =anonymous jew

  10. If that's the cover you must have a rare copy.

    Half Machine Lip Moves is the classic.

  11. we saw the Helios Creed / Chrome show when it came through Baltimore. This record sounds kinda awesome, but anybody who missed the show, did not miss much. The bassist must have been a hired gun, because he sounded like he had just learned the songs and fukt up all over the place. Still, this and Helios Creed used to be the bomb.

  12. great great album. i discovered chrome when "3rd from the sun" came out (82?) and just had to have it based on the cover alone. then i got "half machine lip moves" and "read only memory" and had my mind blown. chrome was and will always be one of my all time faves. this album is unique in their discography because it's the 1st "power trio" line-up of chrome, pre helios creed, and probably their most "rock" record, albeit in a fucked-up 1974 way. i've still got my original copy of this lp (with insert!) and the spray-painted cover. I play it religiously. at the time it was one of the most expensive (used) records i'd ever contemplated buying, and i still remember hemming and hawing over that $10 in the record store...made the right decision

  13. Fuck I haven't heard Chrome in forever! Awesome!

  14. Good one. Just listened to Chrome Flashback (live) the other day. I saw Helios a few years ago, his pedal board alone was a sight to behold!

  15. This is a band that I have been meaning to check out for a while. Thanks for posting this. And anything that you describe as "proto-industrial no-wave gothic noise" is probably going to make my toes curl.

  16. Love the "3rd From the Sun"/"Blood on the Moon" era the best. I got into them via a damning review in Heavy Metal magazine. All the negative aspects Lou Stathis was railing against ("John and Hilary Stench thrashing dazedly behind a droning, treated guitar and from-beyond-the-grave vocals of a sf-apocalyptic nature") sounded like positives to me!

  17. To sound like a music geek (which I am anyway) 'The Visitation' was made before Helios Creed joined Chrome. If any the album that Damon Edge made after H.Creed left (D.E. still used the Chrome moniker until he kicked the bucket) were even one-zillionth as good. Those later 'Chrome' albums with just Damon Edge and no Helios Creed are fucking horrible. I still haven't heard those 'Chrome' albums with just Helios Creed and no Damon Edge, but Helios Creed has certainly made some good albums.

    -anonymous jew

  18. I am a huge Chrome fan. This album is the strangest of all, and is not a good example of their iconic sound. It is a very interesting view into their beginnings. I believe the hallucinogens and Helios Creed came in after this record. Their sound changed a lot after this record.

    Chrome didn't do many shows with the Edge/Creed lineup. I know they did one live show in France. I happen to have a tape of that show. I did manage to catch Chrome at the GAMH just after Helios reformed the band, after Damon's death. It was an awesome show. All the Chrome shows I have seen since haven't been near as good.

  19. Thanks for posting! Never listened to this one, but have Alien Soundtracks and Half Machine Lip Moves.
    Saw Chrome in L.A. and saw Helios a long time ago...I should post osme Helios on my blog, actually...

  20. love Chrome. this is a great album, thanks

  21. new to chrome, many many thanks for this post!
