Tuesday, January 12, 2010


J Pop "sensation", Kana, looks like she's made of fucking candy and is perhaps the absolute worst singer ever. Maybe you want this, then again maybe you also want a candy cane jammed in your dickhole.


  1. Ahh Japan, everyday you remind me that civilization is out of fucking control.

    I've been consistently way too high today to even deal with that album cover, bitch looks like a christmas elf gone rogue. Just laughed 'til I almost died

  2. Just made the mistake of looking her up on youtube. More like a candycane through the frontal fucking lobe. Um, yeah Japan is way out of control.

    Also, her head/ face/ eye shape makes her look like a goddamn space alien.

  3. It's seems something REALLY wrong with me, 'coz i LIKE her songs, even have 1 album.
    And I consider her as a real hot chick.

    Well, I'm weaboo, yeah.
    Kill for japan. Kill for their hardcore, anime, videogames, movies, books etc etc etc.

  4. I knew I'd love it before I even clicked the link.....I love female pop stars,even the see through domestic ones.....Alicia Keys,Lady Gaga, Christina Aguillera, Britney Spears, Pink...... you name it.

    On the opposite note.....what are the chances Tallow will make an appearance here. I've been curious about them.

  5. She's gonna bite you in the jugular veins and steal your soul!

  6. Geez, pass the fucking insulin.

    I hate this kind of crap. Hate.

  7. She has a pretty pink...hairdo.

  8. "Also, her head/ face/ eye shape makes her look like a goddamn space alien."

    I do not agree.

  9. i looked her up on youtube and the only way i can describe this is as a little japanese girl singing to squirrels, cause i dont speak japanese and it sounds like squirrel chattering coming from her. anyways, where did japan go so fucking off the charts in weirdness, they've got some bad craziness going on over there.

  10. Aesop, did we do something to upset you?

  11. Look at all these comments already! What's wrong with you people? Now I have to listen to this too! What the fuck, Aesop?

  12. This is way more evil than anything any black metal band has ever done.
    I sort of like it.
    I also like your candy cane idea. How much would you charge for something like that?

  13. motherfuckingunicornsJanuary 13, 2010 at 10:34 AM

    I'm really digging this for some reason. It has some kind of cocaine induced hubris-vibe going on

  14. Kana???
    Jesus Christ.

  15. japanese popular culture at least tries to assemble something new & original with all the plastic junk of civilization. america is simply a dumping ground for chinese plastic

  16. She is flaptastic! Damn Japan I love you.

  17. weird weird weird. thank you!

  18. If it's adorably wonky, funked up musical abominations you're looking for (or good black thrash), then there can be no better place to start than Japan.

    Seriously, I forgive japan for pearl harbor. Sabbat more than made up for it.

  19. this is probably the single most black metal album posted on this blog to date.

  20. oh wow. . . . .

    i remember this from my visual kei fandom days.

    oi. . . . .

  21. Oh god.....hooked.
    Cute but nuts.

  22. not sure if its from lack of sleep but i was expecting to find les turdz.

  23. KANA FCUKIN RULES!!!!!!! You're a diet coke marlboro ultra light suckin fruit if you don't think so... and she's hotter than holier shit from the pope.
