Monday, January 11, 2010

Think This

By the time Toxik got around to recording Think This, the follow up to their debut World Circus, they had grown leaps and bounds as players and replaced original front man Mike Sanders with new duder, Charles Sabin. In my opinion, this is the better of the two Toxik albums. You know what's up, technical thrash not nearly as cool as Coroner, but still 99% better than most of the puffy white tennis shoe bands of the time, even with that weak "There Stood The Fence" song. You will like this, I don't know, I'm not here to tell you what to think.


  1. when i was 19 i had a roomate (i'm sure i've mentioned him before) - he used to wear puffy white sneakers, and his hair was just as puffy - but besides all that he was/is a great guy and we still stay in contact
    anwho, he used to love this kind of stuff, so this 80's speed metal always makes me think of my buddy Mike W.
    heres to you mike, and here to you Aesop !
    this makes want to go looking for

    which at first listen i hated, but it grew on me

    ok, gonna go find that little fucker now - shit i haven't heard that one in probably - shit i'm not even going to do the math
    - when was 1988?
    holy crap 22 goddamn years
    anyway - that Toxik album should be part of a great 'manweek' soundtrack

  2. funny stuff fer sure. i had world circus back when that LP was new. prolly still have it in the record room shelves actually. never heard this one though. feels like i'm back in high school again and i have a full head of hair. maybe i should roll up a doobie

  3. I saw these guys open up for king Diamond,didn't really care for them,then again I didn't listen to 'em. I was also probably way too excited to see the King.I believe it was the Conspiracy tour. Anyways the King went on and I got kicked out for getting onstage,such is life...

  4. The buffed dude in the center of the x in Toxik is that supposed to be a wrestling guy or a rambo?

  5. Stoked for this as I really dug World Circus-- it sounded like Anthrax meets Watchtower.

  6. Forgotten 80s metal like Holy Terror, Atrophy, Toxik, the Flotsam & Jetsam album with J.Newsted. Good stuff.

  7. im way more into this album than i thought id be

  8. I dig this record and their other album but this is where thrash started to get to tech for me, I think I like it better when bands cant play that well, I dont know why really. Still this is a good album for the most part, great post man!

  9. yeah, yeah, yeah. i tend to pick out all the thrash and death metal and leave the other stuff behind. i've had my eye on this band for awhile and never listened to 'em. i enjoyed it, thanks

  10. while the rest of the other band were learning how to play awesome complicated riffs, couldn't one of the members taken some time out to learn how to write awesome complicated riffs then learn how to put them together in a cool order. then tell the singer to fuck off

  11. I liked Toxik back in the day, and they were a local band for me as well. Unfortunately, I sold their albums and haven't heard this in ages. Thanks Aesop, I'll have to give this a listen and see if it brings back good memories.

  12. this record blew my little 8th grade mind when i bought it on cassette back in the day. the guitar playing on this record still rules over most metal bands today.

  13. "...not nearly as cool as Coroner", eh? Well, I think you should post some Coroner on the Hearse.

  14. great record. It was re-issued in digi-pak format not too long ago. I remember buying this and Paradox's "Heresy" in the cut out bin.

  15. This shit is fucking shark week.

  16. I loved this album. For some reason it was one of the first CD's I bought and to this day it still strikes a chord.
