Thursday, July 22, 2010


Mythos hailed from Finland, played crushing primitive Death Metal, and in 1993 they vomited forth this repugnant demo titled Moulded in Clay. The band self released 250 copies and caught the attention of Evil Omen records who released a few of these tracks on a four-way split with Expulsion (Sweden,) Mysthical (Spain,) and Unexpected (Holland.) Moulded in Clay is easily one of the best non-Swedish early Death Metal relics. Monstrous. They went on to release a few disappointing records, but I don't mind, this rules.


  1. Nice one. I have 'Pain Amplifier' on my hard drive, as well, but it's a little more slick, less interesting. Seems like one of the many "the demo was better" type bands. Both albums have a guitar tone that reminds me of Impaled Nazarene circa 'Tol Compt Norz Norz Norz' or is that an attempt to emulate the Swedish tone?

  2. Excellent demo, great band. Nuclear Winter Records from Greece put this out as a 10" last year, with a bonus track recorded at the same sessions but never released. Definitely worth seeking out. Nuclear War Now! still has copies.

  3. I wonder where they got the cover from. It looks pretty interesting. It sort of looks similar to Hieronymus Bosch's art, but the dinosaur-looking thing kind of doesn't fit. And for the same reason I'm assuming it's not from some occult text. I don't think they had dinosaurs in those...

  4. Aesop-
    First of all, I am not one to bitch, and I greatly appreciate all of the great music that you have prvided over the years.
    Secondly, I would imagine that you want th spend the weekend with your family rather than attending to the whiny gripes of your CH readers...BUT I have tried for the third day in a row to unzip this, and I always get a message that says something like 'this is not a directory'. I would like to hear this, but if not that is okay, I will certainly live.

    -the anonymous jew

  5. I don't know why that would happen. Perhaps use a different archiving app? Anyone wanna help this guy?

  6. Actually, I found it elsewhere on the blogosphere (I feel like a guilty cheater as I type this). But really, if it were not for the Hearse there would be much that I would have not bothered to check out. And yes, this EP by Mythos KILLS!

    -the anonymous jew

  7. The 10" rerelease is one of my favourite death metal releases that I've picked up in the last few years. Really fucking good and surprising that it was only on tape beforehand.
