Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Southern Elite Circle

Like the BMIA, the Black Twilight Circle, and Blazebirth Hall, The Southern Elite Circle is yet another alliance of like-minded Black Metal bands that share members and hail from a particular region, this time Argentina. Oddly enough the bands associated with the SEC promote a nationalist socialist agenda that may offend some of you more sensitive readers. This lengthy compilation showcases the bands with each band delivering two tracks. First up is the extremely harsh Argenraza (who were featured on the Hearse here.) Argentum's acoustic guitar and flute folk metal track "La Tierra Blanco" sounds pretty tame after Argenraza, and their second track "Jose Antonio" is a corny darkwave number with lazy samples of some speech, presumably by canonized Spanish Fascist, Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera. Campo de Mayo's first track is rather bland generic Black Metal, but their second is a more primitive sounding repetitive piece that is far more interesting. Furor's first track is just layers of hypnotic guitars, it works much better than the second track, which is rather base poorly recorded Black Metal. Nachtgeblut are clearly the most proficient band of the group, but this doesn't mean they are the most enjoyable. They turn in a rather plain Black Metal song and a hokey keyboard piece. Permafrost has cool guitar tones and simple robotic riffs, at first the obvious drum machine and generic vocals were a distraction but I found myself liking the band by the end of their two songs. The compilation wraps up with Ulfhethnar who aren't terribly original but their no frills blasting chaotic Black Metal is enjoyable just the same. Argenraza and Permafrost are the real standouts here, but from front to back the Southern Elite Circle compilation is a dynamic and consistently interesting listen, even if the bands aren't spectacular on their own.


  1. It's not so odd that they're NS. Most Nazi's fled to Argentina after WWII...

  2. You don't need to be sensitive to think Nazism's a load of tripe. You can be a complete oaf & still be anti-Nazi.

    Anyway, thanks for continuing to post filthy stuff.

  3. Nothing like a little National Socialist intolerance. The South Americans do it well.

  4. i enjoyed this more than i thought i would...thanks!

  5. I had not heard of the BMIA. What have you been holding out on? Now I have to find out more.

  6. i like just about all of this, thanks

  7. catchin' up on the hearse after a long absence. just enjoyed the argenraza 4 song demo and am now being absolutely blown away by the 13 min argenraza track on this one - it's like a bastard lovechild of branikald, akitsa & "transilvanian hunger" era darkthrone - three of my alltime favorites. stunning, hypnotic & raw. thanks again aesop for hipping me to a brand new fave.
