Saturday, September 18, 2010


Arguably the most important and influential artifact of Swedish Hardcore is this EP by Mob 47. Mob 47 hailed from the very no bullshit town of Stockholm, they wanted to play faster than anyone else at the time, and they may have done just that. This was released in the extremely punk year of 1984.


  1. Awesome! What a coincidence you post this on the day I'm listening to a lot of Swedish hardcore.

  2. I saw the post title & thought this was going to be about Alien Sex Fiend. Cheers for posting about Mob 47 instead. DOM LJUGER!

  3. Tor like Swedish musiks.

  4. Classic shit, and "Bowling-Åke" was (is?) a helluva nice guy, introducing the more speedy HC stuff to all us kiddy punks who we´re more into G.B.H., Abrasive Wheels & shit. Hell, i´ve still have a cassette he filled with NEOS, Negative FX etc, after that i was sold! He also introduced us (ignorant little shits) to (then) more unknown acts like Wretched, B.G.K. etc. Think he had a tape trader in every known country!! Their stuff is almost on every Punk/HC/Grind/Metal/Country/Star Trek blog, i know, but GOOD SHIT can´t
    be posted enough. Dammit.

  5. can we get faster and crustier? I would deem it near impossible...

  6. as everything i'm checking by here, another awesome post and good call. ScandiCore in general rules!!

  7. Nice post! I just saw them play at a friend's loft here in Brooklyn. Truly No Bullshit!
