Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Dead and Desperate

Today is all about one of Florida's earliest punk bands, The U-Boats, and their second single Dead and Desperate. Sure they weren't as cool as Roach Motel or Hated Youth, but dude, this was 1982 in Tampa, and that fucking guitar tone is pretty dirty. To get an idea of how isolated these guys may have been from what was going on in the world of punk, take a look at the picture of them on the back cover looking like a third tier NWOBHM band complete with downy mustaches and headbands. Cool in it's uncoolness, naively charming proto-punk from the dick state.


  1. It probably wasn't easy to have a punk scene in Grampa Bay circa 1982. The VFW hall was the all ages show venue I bet. A new Florida ad campaign slogan-Florida a great place to go and die. There is an all FLA. punk bands comp. with a big fat guy on the beach on the cover. Hell it is probably on this blog somewhere. I thought i was johnny the music encyclopedia but the Kosmic is always coming up with these obscure relics and for that we are thankful.

  2. Ding!!!

  3. did they have their band photos taken at Sears?

  4. i own the full length album but the 7 inches have eluded me for years.... anyone with OG copies & willing to part let me know!

  5. Stuff like this is pure, unadulterated fun.
    Your site continues its reign as the best music treasure trove on the internet. Thanks for everything, and please never quit.

  6. Growing up in NW Florida, most of the punk bands from the 80's looked like this also. Maggot Sandwich were the most amazing band ever and looked like most dick average guys on earth with horrible kinda metal haircuts.

  7. Sort of reminds me of Expatriate from Colorado - they played ripping hardcore, but wore fringed buckskin jackets, fingerless motorcycle gloves, fedoras, and amazing mullets completely unironically.
