Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Unsilent Hate

Deathchurch hailed from Japan and were sort of like the Black Metal Confuse in the way that they favored an abrasive hiss of white noise to cloak their violent riffs in. Unsilent Hate Anthem, was their final statement and was released in 2007 after they called it quits. This isn't happy Black Metal for weddings and funerals. This is some hectic sarin gas in the subway shit. Fuck You!!!


  1. Well fuck you too! Thanks for the upload!

  2. This right here is one of my all time favorite bands. This post reminds me that I need to post some of my other Deathcrush material.

  3. i thought this might turn out to be random noise, but was pleasantly surprised to hear some fucking evil riffs, and even discernible song structures! this shit is really really really cool. is there any other japanese bm in this style?

  4. Holy Shit it fuckin' rules sounds crazy on these speakers. A little bit of crustiness in it. Japs and Fins are some creative mofos love most of their stuff.

  5. This shall do quiet nicely. Thank you!

  6. ear-bleeding Japanese insanity. Between this and Cemetery Earth yjou made my crappy week fare less crappy. Thanks Aesop


  7. i think i'll add Rebellious Black to my concentration mix. very helpful. thank you. and fuck you.

  8. Pumped. For sure. This is so fucking good. Thanks!

  9. finally got around to listening to this. fucking RULES!!!
