Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Beyond The Wandering Moon

While Aeternus is often associated with that fertile Norwegian Black Metal scene of the '90s, the music here is more akin to Death Metal. Perhaps their use of corpse paint, evil pseudonyms, and images of moonlit woodlands have blurred the lines a little, and I think Aeternus are just fine with that. Whatever you wish to call it, Beyond the Wandering Moon is a classic of misanthropic Norwegian ingenuity.


  1. Aeternus is amazing! I was waiting til I could afford to buy this, but who knows when that will be. I'm taking your posting this as a sign, and downloading.

    Despite the heavy low-end and growling vox, I gotta call this for black metal. Those harmonized riffs sound like something parallel to Graveland and Burzum, and the overall effect is so dreamlike and beautiful...

  2. Oh man, this makes me wonder why more black metal bands don't utilize the low end like this.

    This is a hypnotic album. Fantastic!

  3. the first two albums are def something magical for sure. thanks for this

  4. an ancient favorite. "sentinels of darkness" is on par w/ drudkh or hate forest

  5. Cool, i posted their debut EP on my blog a few weeks ago. The early material is so damn good.

  6. smoke some brown and jack offMay 10, 2011 at 11:49 PM

    Aww yea dl tis mofo right now.

  7. The track 'White Realm' is absolutely perfect for the kind of mood I'm in right now. This is really excellent stuff. Thanks

  8. I forgot about this record! I sold mine to Amoeba a ways back...but not for A HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS

  9. Misanphilanthropic!
    To the max!
