Monday, May 9, 2011

On Tap

B.P. stood for Belching Penguin or sometimes Belching Penguins. These beer-obsessed thrashers hailed from Bradenton, Florida, a bullshit town best known for orange juice and manatees. These guys were kind of like Florida's answer to D.R.I. or C.O.C. During their short run they released one great album with the title Draft Beer...Not Me, and yes that would be a skeletal-handed Reagan pouring you a pitcher of death. Along with F's You Are an EP, one of the greatest bits of '80s Hardcore to ever come out of the Sunshine State.


  1. I'ma load it down now. *BELCH*

  2. i live in that very town. it's now more known for painkiller addiction and unemployment than anything.

  3. But Nasty Savage and Death were from Bradenton?

  4. fuck, i totally have to dl this based on the mentioning of F. Glad you're back, Aesop!

  5. I downloaded this off punk newsgroup a long time ago, but unfortunately the rip did not include the AMAZING cover art.

  6. Man, BP are awesome. We used to rock this record in high school, and being from Florida made them even cooler. Aesop, did you used to play in Hickey? Did you guys stay at the Vanbuilerass house in Gainesville? Did you used to work at the lusty lady?

  7. My buddy was in a band back in FLA called SLAG. He turned me on to these guys. One of the best!

  8. Finally!

    Someone taped this record for me back in the day but I distinctly recall the spine said "Blasted Penguins" so maybe that's why I never found it long after the tape was toast and I missed listening to it. Hmmm.

    At some point I included "Shitfaced" on a mixtape I made for myself to get over a breakup with someone whose fondness for Cisco and various other nasty 'fortified wines' (fortified with what?) became their greatest love of all.

    I still have that comp & listen to it lots, it's a hoot and all of the songs are timeless, but I've always longed to find that "Blasted Penguins" record again.

    Thank you for helping me succesfully fulfil this quest.

    PS: it's all because of Roadburn '11 that I found your blog to begin with. Come back soon, next time in the Midi!

  9. i remember i think i saw them at some place in Tampa called Fort Armory
