All apologies for taking so long to return to bloggery. Europe was grand, MDF was brutal, but we have important business to take care of. If you have followed the Hearse since it's inception, or sycophantically poured over past entries in my absence, you may be aware of my theory regarding albums with castles on the cover. Wallachia's debut EP cements this notion with it's hooky mid-tempo Black Metal with some engaging oddball vocals. Despite the band's name and castle, Wallachia hail from Norway, and the bullshit town of Steinkjer. I have a lot of catching up to do, writing, uploading... So I will say no more. Good to be back.
Welcome back, sir. Pleasure to see you again.
oh man, this about damn near made my day. welcome back!
Great album, too bad it always go for a little too much on eBay.
Btw I'm happy my fav music blog is bækk
Great to have you back man!
Nice to have you back! My collection has been greatly enhanced by your heroic blogging.
Great to have you back! You always make the wait worthwhile!
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