Tuesday, May 27, 2008

RRR 500

Perhaps the greatest idea for a record ever. RRR 500 is just 500 locked grooves by 500 artists. The needle must be manually placed on each groove to hear it. I have owned two of these albums for years and I don't believe I have heard every track. Once, when I had two turntables and some housemates I fucking hated, I put on two different grooves at full volume, locked my door, and left for work. When I came home they were still going and I had a really funny passive aggressive note taped to my door. Of course this digitized sampling of each groove doesn't compare to actually manipulating the vinyl yourself, but it will have to suffice until you can get your hands on one (or more) of these. Some of the more notable contributors (some unwittingly) are: Little Princess, Deerhoof, Evil Moisture, Mortician, Bastard Noise, Neil Hamburger, Faxed Head, Masonna, and the ubiquitous Sonic Youth. Things like RRR 500 remind us that vinyl is still the coolest format there is and will ever be.


  1. Hey great blog! Consider yourself linked. Oh and I posted some more Hanatarash if you are interested.

  2. I bought this LP back in the day. I promised myself that I would someday rip all 500 tracks. I think that I gave up after 25. It was just too much work. The LP is a cool OBJECT, to be sure, but finding and playing specific tracks was such a huge hassle. Thank goodness for MP3s (and the person that took the time to creat these)!

  3. sigh, seeing this record almost makes me cry, goddamn mission records ate my entire vinyl collection! i guess that's what happens when you leave town for a month to "clean up" but leave all the shit that you managed to NOT sell for drugs with yer tweaker buddies back home, who do it for you.
    anyway, this is totally the greatest and most annoying record ever.

  4. SICKNESS. He is all you will ever need.

    Thanks for posting this. Haven't seen/heard this since an ex from a few years back.

  5. awesome. i'm on this thing 5 times, under 5 different guises. grooves 77-81. i also submitted 82-87 which were by different friendsof mine.

  6. wouldnt it be be nice if all these tracks werent all lumped together and unloopable? but what are you gonna do

  7. Huh. It must have been a hell of a job to transfer whole record to mp3. I have this LP and used to fantasize of ripping this but I gave up since Boyd Rice´s Pagan Muzak was too exhausting job for me to transfer. Thanks a lot.
