Saturday, October 25, 2008


I understand "broness," the act of being a bro, bro-ing down and above all, being a bro when another bro needs you to be. You know who is a righteous bro? Shelby, that's who. Not long ago Shelby stoked us all with his Dino-Metal band Cretaceous, and once again the dude is here to rock us with his other band, Dalton. The name is clearly inspired by Patrcik Swayze's complex antihero from Road House (a movie I have seen more than any other). Dalton (the band) has a kind of moustache arena rock vibe that, like the cover art suggests, celebrates all things American AND badass. Get a gander of that cover, eagles, flags, hot cars, aviator shades, some kind of wild cat, a big ass explosion, and above all freedom, bitch. The freedom to rip your shirt off and party bare-chested, feral, and free with your bestest bros. Despite the obvious ironic novelty appeal of Dalton, the songs are fucking great, and absolutely spot on. Thanks again, Shelby. You are broness personified.


  1. holy shit... i am the singer in this band, Aesop! thanks for putting us up on your most awesome blog which i am a huge fan of. this is a big moment for me!!!

  2. Aesop -
    Your timing is perfect. Me and a couple of bros are coming to SF on thursday and the first thing on our agenda is to go see DALTON at annies. this shit is awesome and i am stoked! Fuck On!


  3. fuck on! i've been rockin' the shit out of this cd for the last month. absolute badassery!

  4. Chaki, your band rules.

    John, when is that? DO I get to see you?

    Billias, there is nothing more badass and American than buying a piece of shit Italian car that you can't really afford.

  5. I suppose this means I should take broment to check this out.

  6. Indeed, Jamie. Don't BROcrastinate, it's a good listen.

  7. billias - the car WAS italian. then America took it from them. same way we got Tigers.

    tough shit, world.

    oh yeah, and Dalton is the funnest show in sf.

  8. i believe john is referring to the night before halloween at annie's... i think him and some friends are coming into town to see some "metal" band called "ludicra" on the 31st. ps thanks again for posting this stuff aesop!

  9. this shit is BROtastic!!!! does anyone know what year it was recorded

  10. Aesop, i think they should have put a smiling banker there hehe. american broness dont flow through the stereo though, cause the file seems to be either in unknown form or damaged. damn bro!

  11. That cover is fucking ridiculous, there is no way I could not give this a listen after seeing that. And it damn well rocks! Brodacious to the max

  12. Billias, It's working for me and many others. Refresh your browser and get some broness.

  13. nickthrone:

    we put this out about 2 months ago.

    ps we are open and willing to receive large amounts of cash from any record label that wants to put out a full-length for us...

  14. kick ass! just saw these guys at annie's. awesome live show. highly recommended.

  15. I have bought no less than 8 copies of ROAD HOUSE on DVD in my day.

    I have given them away to those who need to know the power of the Swayze in this movie.

    I have probably watched this movie & WEIRD SCIENCE more than any other movies in my life.

  16. Road House is always on TV or else I would own it on dvd as well. Not only do you get Swayze but John Doe, Sam Elliot, Ben Gazzara, and Jeff Healey. Not to mention it was directed by a guy named "Rowdy." The real challenge is to sit through Road House 2. Yes, there was a Road House 2 with Jake Busey, man is that ever a steaming corn-studded turd.

  17. I've tried to watch to watch RH2 twice now but just can't do it!

  18. Aesop - Shelby is correct. Me and a couple of bros are coming out next weeekend. isn't there a DALTON show on thurday? stoked for the show on friday too! do any of you bros remember this gem?:

    john / milwaukee

  19. john:

    yes, dalton is playing annie's social club thursday the 30th.

    look forward to seeing you (and your bros) there.

  20. DALTON!!!

    Fuck to the yes!

    Shelby, this is Sabin!

    I need to come back to SF to see your shreddling ways.

  21. RE: the cover. Notice the small ring of cocaine around the left nostril of the tiger.
    Aesop sounds like you got a real BRONER for this guy Shelby haha.

  22. aesop,
    Thanks for the rip, but how in the world can you forget to mention Terry Funk in your Road House roll call? (And it is the greatest movie ever made.)
    p.s., just be nice.

  23. Fuck yeah, Sabin!

    hang tight bro, Dalton will be in NY posthaste!!!

  24. Right on, alot of bromance goin' round here on the hearse.

  25. this is some rockin shite
    thnx for the upBROed

  26. just have to leave a comment in order nor be fuckwit, dont I:

    the broness got to me, thanks for the best record review i ever read and thank you dalton for great lyrics, riffs and above all: the yihaaaas.
    And the moevot record i got from cosmic is often played.

  27. It gave me a broner too.
