Saturday, January 10, 2009


Damnation was Gai's second tape/LP. If you have been following the Hearse then you know the story of Gai, if not go here, though I am not even sure of my own accuracy regarding the chronology and discography of Gai. I would like to point out the potpourri of '80s punk awesomeness that is this album's cover: a two-headed skeleton holding Reagan's severed head with what appears to be either a missile or a dildo jammed into it and, and for some reason, the cryptic text that reads "Please Give Me Your Semen." Weird.


  1. "Please give me your semen" is my best pickup line. Not so cryptic. Thanks for this one, par usual.

  2. I haven't seen this one posted anywhere before that I recall... Most Gai uploads I've seen are 'Damaging Noise'. Thanks for keeping this one accessible!

  3. GAI = Gods. Not as godlike as Confuse but second best.
