Thursday, May 7, 2009

Under A Blood Red Moon

Though Manes were one of the earliest and best Norwegian Black Metal bands, they never really got the attention of some of their peers. Perhaps it was the lack of drama surrounding Manes, no church burnings, no murder, no provocative statements about jews, just distant and mysterious black metal. Manes' history goes back to 1992, but their first album, Under Ein Blodraud Maane wasn't recorded until 1997 and wasn't released until 1999. This record is mandatory.


  1. Awesome post. The early Manes stuff is some of my favorite. I haven't had a real copy of this in forever.

  2. You answer your own question there with why they got overlooked and this coming out at 1999.

  3. This is shockingly good.

    Thank you.

    They don't make 'em like this anymore.

  4. Yeah this truly is somewhat ahead of its time and a good album too. A good post AEsop - i might have to send you some other odds and ends in my collection from a band or 2 that like Manes were somewhat overlooked in the late 90's.

  5. Gotta wonder if the title was inspired by U2, though...

    But really. This shit rules.

  6. If you haven't, listen to Fleurety's debut, 'Min Tid Skall Komme'.

  7. I was big on Fleurety's 'Black Sun' demo but hadn't hear their other stuff. Thanks.

  8. Thank you Aesop! Great post as always, and I even like the music.

    Word verification of today: "verse".
    How perfect!

  9. Aesop-
    Thanks for psting this. I have only read about the early Manes releases, and I was not about to pay collector's prices so I could hear it.
    Great, deathless, unique stuff. Thanks.

    The Anonymous Jew

  10. I like to call them Mayonaisse.

  11. I want to go back in time, burn a church so that they get the blame, and consequently get the listening and recognition they deserve. Along with Gehenna, Manes is the salvation of keyboards in black metal.

  12. Thanks for posting this... took me a few days to check it out, but its a prime slab of BM

  13. Just coming back to comment. This is one of the best black metal albums I've ever heard. Not that I've heard many.
