Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sunn Amps and Smashed Guitars

This beautifully done edition by No Quarter contains a devastating live performance in London from '95 (originally released in a limited run of 500 by Blast First Records) and an unreleased demo from '90 with guest vocals from Kelly Canary and some guy credited as Curt Cobain. These are long gone now, hopefully they will come back so you can get your hands on a copy. In the meantime...


  1. the live performance is indeed crushing.they may have spawned tens of clones but nothing really beats the original.thanks Aesop.

  2. Invalid File. This error has been forwarded to MediaFire's development team.

  3. It was a little unsettling hearing Kurts voice in this medium.

    Awesome, but unsettling.

    Great album too. Very similar to Melvins stuff on Stoner Witch. Which I think is an essential album for anybody who loves sludge rock.

  4. dylan carson or whatever his name is from earth was kurt cobain's best friend, they did alot of dope together and he gave him the shotgun he used to kill himself. (or the one courtney had planted next to him to make it look like a suicide).
    anyway this is the only earth release i can stand, that drony doom thing just bores the hell out of me but this is good to put on when yer reading or trying to sleep....

  5. great blog. this album was the missing piece of my earth collection.
    love the greatness of this sounds!
    dylan carson rules the divine.
