Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Call To Arms

The comparisons to Destroyer 666 are unavoidable and not without reason. Gospel of the Horns was formed when former D666 skinsman Ballistic Howitzer jumped ship to play bass and sing in a new band. After a couple of great demos and EPs, Gospel of the Horns released A Call To Arms, their first full length in 2002. It is a fist-pumping, headbanging amalgam of all that is good about Black, Death and Thrash metal, driving riffs, anthemic choruses, and lyrics about war, domination and power. Vicious and proud, Gospel of the Horns are the Australian metal elite, ready throw back a pint with their mates, but just as ready to throw down the gauntlet if necessary.


  1. I love this record,raw and filthy,you should check out my LIGHTNING SWORDS OF DEATH post perhaps you`ll like it!

  2. Yes, LSOD of great. I have seen them.

  3. A bit. Kind of torn. It's better than "Cold Steel" but nothing they do ever moves me as much as "Unchain The Wolves." Still one of the best live bands I have seen.

  4. funny you mention unchain the wolves because thats my fav too^^
    did you ever hear of the band OLD from germany pretty much similar to those bands or URN from sweden...when I look through the posts I see many albums I would love to post if I had more time and a better connection!

  5. I have heard of both but never delved into their material.

  6. you should definitely check them out!

  7. that's "schooners", not pints!

  8. this shit is awesome, no dull parts at all!

  9. Aaah... raging it now... fucking kills! D666 were great in Baltimore, do GoH play out at all?

  10. They did a US tour with Angelcorpse exactly a year ago but rumor has it they split up soon after.

  11. GOTH are still in the process of "breaking up" I think as they are slated to play some final shows in Europe soon I believe.

    Speaking of Aussie bands, without a doubt the best new band to come from the country has to be Nocturnal Graves. It is the new band of Jarro who played drums on D666's Phoenix Rising. Their album Satan's Cross is as good as it gets!

  12. killing me with this. thanks!!!!!!

  13. Love this band. The song Slaves was one of the best metal songs of the time.

    And to whoever mentioned Unchain the Wolves... that's kinda hard to top.


  14. Thanks a lot for this! I get so much amazing music from your blog. I linked you on mine!

  15. Hell yes! Been wanting to hear this band for a while, thanks for posting it. Goes right along with War, Baphomet's Horns and some other filthy, raw, "death and destruction" music I like to binge on occasionally.
