Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Doc Corbin Dart, the nasally voiced muckraker of The Crucifucks, released Patricia in 1990, a solo album of dark and tortured almost-pop dedicated to and named for his therapist who was treating Dart for a personality disorder. Apparently she moved her practice, Feeling completely devastated and abandoned, Doc set to writing this painful, and oft-overlooked album. Doc Dart's trademark voice wails brutally candid lyrics describing, with unnerving openness, a mental breakdown, a tortured life, and the anguish he must live with everyday. It's an off-putting listen while also being quite touching. This was originally released by Alternative Tentacles on cassette and LP.


  1. Dude. You blow my mind. All the time. Everytime. Greets from sunny London. For some outsider ethereal pop you might want to check out Mothlite (southern records)

    Hail the hearse.

    Tails of Beasts

  2. How can anybody not download this for the sentiment alone?

    I am not familiar at all with the Crucifucks besides the name - any suggestions where to start?

  3. D.C.D. is great. Me and my friend Steve are slowly building a repertoire of songs for a 2 piece acoustic Crucifucks cover band to parade about at all the small town Open Mics in the area. Maybe a couple of these may make it in!!!!!

    Is it only my imagination or did Doc put out a few other releases on least an ep maybe?????

    Either way.....I've wanted to hear this since I noticed in an old catalog when I was really came through today.....Thanks Aesop!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Have read heard about this one. Definitely going to check it out. Thanks for posting things like this.

  5. Aesop-
    Don't forget Sam McPheeter's excellent recent article on Mr. Dart:

  6. Wow, the image of that cover hit me - I bought the record when it came out because of its stark depressing tone but couldn't get into the music. What's become of Mr. Dart? Going off topic, what's your favorite BOC album Aesop?

  7. I bought the LP a few years ago but sold it soon after when I was really broke; I guess it got cut because it wasn't what I was expecting, i.e., not like the Crucifucks. Now I can give it a second chance. Thanks Aesop!!!

  8. Sephim, all things Crucifucks and Doc Dart related are brilliant and annoying and touching and unnerving. AT released a great CD of both Crucifucks albums.

    TMM, No. But Doc has a newish project called 26 that has a record out.

    SKV, I know this may sound weird but I am not a huge BOC fan. I appreciate them, and really love a few songs here and there but just ain't super knowledgable on them.

  9. i bought the crucifux album ld eye years ago and i love it, it is severely overlooked

  10. For the record, the first two BOC albums rule, the first is solid gold throughout, I swear, try it again Aesop, you won't regret it. -SP

  11. I'm a HUGE Crucifucks fan but have never listened to this album. Thanks for upping it.
    Second on the article of Doc in Vice mentioned above. Very interesting.

  12. BOC can be hit or miss but the song She's as beautiful as a Foot on their first album is great. Cities on Flame with Rock is damn good too>>>>

  13. i have this on vinyl... Doc is a brilliant artist. 26 - The Messiah is ESSENTIAL listening. it is one of my favorite albums of all time.

    mr. Aesop - imho try checking out the Cultosaurus Erectus lp. Black Blade is the ultimate BOC tune.

  14. Sephim:

    Thanks for this one, Aesop.

  15. crucifucks rule but BOC - Tyranny And Mutation is the kill.

    love the blog as always aesop.

  16. Where do you find all this wonderful off the wall music?

  17. Great post. For the short time it was open, I used to love shopping at Doc's shop of miscellaneous collectibles in Lansing's Old Town...I think it was called Little Doc's Fun Cards or something. For anyone wondering where to start with that band, I say their self-titled album is easily the best.

  18. Been looking for this forever. Thanks a billion.

  19. This album is so good. I went to a "Crucifucks" reunion in Chicago a while back and he played pretty much the whole album. The real challenge here is if you can track down a copy of his first cassette only solo release called "Black Tuesday". I talked to Doc and he says he doesn't even own a copy. It's my Holy Grail for sure. Good Luck

  20. Shelby, thanks for the hookup.

  21. Not trying to steal your thunder or anything but I just posted all of the Crucifucks albums, this album and the 26 album on my blog. For anyone that wants to download that stuff too:

  22. No thunder stolen at all, I appreciate it,as I'm sure all the folks who enjoyed this do too. The 26 album is rare.

  23. the crucifucks were fucking scary! we used to listen to that "now what time is that?" song on acid back in the day! years later when I met steve shelley I told him how much the crucifucks meant to the midwest and he seemed genuinely surprised that anyone still loved them.

  24. there a loud beep at 3:40 on Little Town, Little People or is it just me?
    This is easily a classic. Never heard it before, but within 30 seconds was blown away and hooked. I agree with everybody else: Aesop, you rule. I think what makes it for me is the posts themselves. You give such insight and show a true love of music. Thanks.

  25. I think that loud beep is just his way of being clever about censorship, since in that particular song he's sharing views that aren't exactly popular with most people. I could be wrong though since I don't actually own the LP but, yeah, I think he's just censoring himself for a second and the song isn't actually messed up.

  26. "Dude. You blow my mind. All the time. Everytime."


  27. this is a great record, never heard it before today. Does anyone know the story about the bass player of the crucifucks getting killed by skinheads in Baltimore while they were on tour? Have heard that for years, rumor or fact?
