Saturday, June 27, 2009

Womb of Pestilence

Warloghe is yet another stunning Finnish Black Metal band. Womb Of Pestilence is the band's second album. It was released in 2003. Uncompromising, cold, and ancient Black Metal is Warloghe's forte, no progressive wankery, no post-rock influence, no nature-loving hippie bullshit, just occult darkness and arcane pitch black misanthropy.


  1. I'm surprised that after reading your description of the band that you didn't go on to say that this was their only album.

  2. Wow, I'm surprised someone still remembers this one, somehow it seems pretty much everyone forgot this band after the release of Womb of Pestilence.

    Great stuff, totally mandatory to check out, although the Unlighted 7-inch still remains their best.

  3. If it weren't for all the tempo could of fooled me into thinking this was the unreleased half of Transylvanian Hunger.....which it might as well be.........very good......

  4. Finnish Black Metal is the bomb diggity!!!

  5. after 13 hours of work, a little bit of misanthropy isn t such a bad idea...

  6. One of those band names that I've read many times but never bothered to investigate further. I think I'll fix that right now.
    Thanks, maaaaan.

  7. Thank you for all the arcane darkness. Makes life easier.

  8. Dear Finland:

    Please divert all remaining national assets into the continued production of pestilential, crushing, from the dark ages without nostalgia, misanthropic black metal.

    Thank you.

  9. This is a great album, awesome atmosphere. Thanks for the recommendation.
