Saturday, August 1, 2009


Don't worry, this is just until I return from a two week trek to some select U.S cities with Ludicra and Hammers of Misfortune. The dates are posted below, so if you live anywhere near any of these I expect to see you there.

08/04, Saint Paul MN @ Turf Club
08/05, Chicago IL @ Cobra Lounge (with Slough Feg!)
08/07, Cleveland OH @ Peabody's
08/08, Hamilton ON (Canada) @ Casbah Lounge
08/09, Boston MASS @ Middle East
08/10, Providence RI @ AS220
08/11, New York, NY @ Santos (with Villains!)
08/12, Philadelphia, PA @ Johnny Brenda's
08/13, Washington DC @ DC9
08/14, Baltimore MD @ Talking Head Club
08/15, Columbus OH @ Ravari


  1. Fuck, dude. Don't scare me like that.

  2. I can play house 2 weeks, yes !

  3. planning on being at the Cobra Lounge show, Aesop. see you there!

  4. fuckin' right I'm sooooooo there

  5. Hope the tour goes well, man! Wish I could make that Chicago date.

  6. have a great trip - cleveland, ohio certainly knows about the hammering out of misfortune - look forward to your return - up the hammers! darrylseattle (by way of cleveland)

  7. seriously. this blog is one of my favorite places on the internet. It mind boggling how you keep posting day in and day out. thanks.

  8. st. paul! fuck yeah!

  9. once again, skipping tulsa...c'mon aesop, we miss you.

  10. Seriously, dude? HAMILTON? I know Toronto doesn't have the greatest turnouts, but come on! HAMILTON?!

  11. Frik Jah, Cobra Lounge! I'll try to make it out there, I live in Chicago, but am house sitting an hour away for two weeks out at my Mommy's house. My friend Tim might be working that Wednesday.

  12. ReallyGood@WoundingAugust 1, 2009 at 1:13 PM


    Maybe I'll come and say hello at the Columbus Ravari Room show. I was planning on attending anyway, but I didn't know you were in Ludicra.
    BTW the Ravari Room has great beers on tap and the pizza next door is good.

  13. Still waiting for you to come to Phoenix.

  14. I let all my Twin Cities friends know that you are going to be there. Hopefully my not-so-gentle urging will bring at least a couple new heads your way. Have a great tour.

  15. Fuck, I won't be able to make the DC show after all.

    Really hope you have a great tour! And thank you so much for all the work on the blog. Its one of the first things I check every morning.

  16. I'll be seeing you in NYC!

  17. Jabladav goes the west coast the week your on the east? Damn dude!

    If your reading this and have a book store or record store that you recommend in Washington or in the north west territory of Canada, let me know.

    Folks- this is the best blog ran by one of the best people I have never met.

    Regards- Jabladav

  18. I'm pissed, just realized I'm going to be in England when you folks come through Washington, D.C.

    I hope everything goes well though. I'll have to come see you play in San Francisco sometime.

  19. I sure wish you guys would come to Kansas some day.

  20. good luck on tour when the hell are you gonna come to tennessee? i'll beg and plead if i have to.

  21. My whole morning routine is messed up without my daily Cosmic Hearse dose!

  22. And maybe one day you'll close a while to take Ludrica to Europe. Come over!!

    Word verification for today:


  23. see you in columbus! alright!!

  24. Shannon and I wish all you folks the best of luck and the utmost of safety on your trip. we'll see y'all bamas in bmore and probably one more.

  25. Vancouver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You got to come west we get passed over by some many bands or at least do a show with WITTR in Seattle.

  26. When you're in NY be sure to tell Lino that Villains need to come to SF ASAP!

  27. What sticks do you use ?

  28. hammers, Ludicra, and Sough Feg?

    Jeepers Creepers, that is a nonstop railroad of rock majesty.

    ...still waiting for another Austin show. have fun all that get to see this.

  29. I'm going to try and make your NYC show, I think. Maybe I'll say hi. Probably not.


  30. great show last night in Chicago, man - you guys were the definite highlight of the night for me.

    don't know if you'll recall, but i tried to buy a copy of "Fex Urbis..." from you and you had run out - i introduced myself, but you were pretty mobbed at that point. hope the rest of the tour goes well and that you come back sooner than later!

  31. i'm missing my daily fix. you rule, hope youre having fun!

  32. i will try to be at the nyc date

  33. Amazing set in Chicago, and it was cool meeting you. Hope you guys come through again soon!


  34. Man wish you were coming through Armpit New Mexico

  35. Great show in Hamilton, ON on Saturday night!

  36. hey! just found ur blog and i love it! afrofunk, hc, psysh etc all in one. great job! i´d like to thank u now, cuz i know i will be dl loads from this site! if you need something new to listen to, check my band AXE at: cheers from sweden, daniel.

  37. IF you didn't notice... Nobody gives a FUCK when your gone. Riiiiighhht!

    Much respect to the folks in Washington and B.C..

    I was treated like a king and you folks live in an amazing landscape. Thank you for your fellowship and good vibes.


  38. I have an old Axe LP from 1982. A different Axe, I assume...

    Your tour ended yesterday, now post something damn good to make up for the closure!

  39. I feel so cold and alone with the hearse...
