Sunday, October 25, 2009

Bosse De Nage

Bosse De Nage are mysterious Bay Area Black Metal band that released one amazing tape on my former Funeral Agency label. Clearly I loved it enough to release it, but it doesn't hold a candle to the band's next recording which has remained unreleased. This recording shows the band progressing into a more angular, Ved Buens Ende type of deal, and even playing with some of the more post rock/shoegaze elements of bands like Alcest and Lifelover. Thematically delving into the decadent aesthetics of Bataille, Baudelaire, Grand Guignol... Perhaps Bosse De Nage are unrepentant francophiles. This didn't have a cover so I have opted to simply use a still from the brilliant French film Eyes Without a Face, it seemed fitting. The band was hoping for someone to press this bit of kult genius, but so far it hasn't happened. If you have a label, and any taste at all, seek out Bosse De Nage and make them an offer quickly. This should be heard.

Link to download removed at the request of the label who will be releasing this gem soon. Be sure to buy this, it is excellent and this band deserves your support.


  1. Wow...I was so quick to grab this, I didn't realize I already had it.

    Great stuff though. You have anymore copies of the first tape?

  2. Niiice. This is exactly what I'm in the mood for lately, so please keep the crazy, amazing black metal stuff that I'd otherwise never hear about coming.
    You're doing the Lord's work with this blog, my friend. Or Satan's. Or whoever's.

  3.'ve gone from blackface face within a day. :) Being a Ved Buens Ende fan, I'll listen to this soon. Thanks!

  4. Awesome post.

    want to trade links?

  5. Thank you as always for posting. I do have a question. Who is considered the first post-rock or post-punk band? I heard these thrown around quite a bit as of late. This is hands down the best blog out there. one for the post and two for the comments.

  6. great great stuff, thanks for sharing. there were moments the first time through where i actually found myself turning around and saying "who put the post-rock on? this is actually pretty decent"... only to have a seamless transition back to the black metal and be reminded of the awesomeness again.

    i agree, someone SHOULD get this out there.

  7. Absolutely chilling recording. It very much deserves to be released and packaged with great time and care. Please post their tape if you have the time. As always, thank you so much.

  8. skullgrid, my first knowledge of the term "post-rock" was associated with Godspeed You Black Emperor. "Post-Punk" is stuff like Killing Joke, Wire, The Fall, Joy Division...

    WayNe, your link is up, great blog you have there.

  9. this is incredible...i cant believe nobody released this for should be heard is an understatement!

  10. Fantastic. Brings to mind the best moments of Seigneur Voland. By the way, maybe the could have been (or will be) the cover:

  11. (cont.) Actually, S. Voland meets Das Aas aller Dinge would be closer.

  12. I really am enjoying these past few shoegaze/post-etc/black metal hybrid posts. Perfect for northern california fall. Thanks a lot and keep it up!

  13. This sounds like Led Zep presence album with screaming interludes

  14. Ya' I like the post rock sounding shit in this...there's definetly some emo moments...just when I think some wimpy off key jerk-off is gonna try and sing(like in an awful Slint kind of way,by the way I like Slint except when the dude tries to sing),the unholiness comes in and I am no longer scared!!!! Ahhhhhhh.

  15. Flenser Records is releasing Bosse-de-Nage's self-titled debut on CD on June 29th, 2010! I'm doing the promotion for it, so keep your eyes peeled :)

  16. Is there going to be a, uh, I believe the French call it, vinyle pressing?
